Mod Macaw's Fences and Walls by sketch_macaw

  • Macaw's Fences and Walls by sketch_macaw

    Adds new vanila styled fences, walls and gates!
    • 23416764
    • 382.73 KB
    • 1.20.1
    • March 6, 2021
    • June 22, 2023
    • Cosmetic
    Macaw's Fences and Walls
Mod Information
NameMacaw's Fences and WallsAuthorsketch_macawDescriptionAdds new vanila styled fences, walls and gates!
InformationDownloads: 23416764
Version: 1.20.1
Size: 382.73 KB
Updated at: June 22, 2023
Created at: March 6, 2021

About Macaw's Fences & Walls 1.0.6


We all know Minecraft could use more styled fences, walls and gates. Well I guess I've got good news for you! This mod adds new vanila styled fences, walls and gates.


This is the very first version for this mod, expect more stuff to come with future updates, I read every suggestion and issue. Be sure to share your ideas if you have for this

theme. For now this mod adds Wooden Picket Fence, Wooden Stockade Fence, Wooden Horse Fence (looks very good on farms and countryside), Wired Fence (does damage, great against spiders),

Railing Stone Wall, Modern Stone Wall and new Highley Gates! The newest 1.0.4 version adds a new bamboo fence and two new gates, the pyramid gate and railing gate.



The wooden fences and gates come in every log/plank variation !

You can craft them in vanila, with really simple recipes! If you gather required items, it will show you the recipe in the crafting table recipe book ( only 1.14+ )




Click on the picture above, use my code sketchmacaw to get 25% off your first month and enjoy playing with your friends!


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