Mod Magical Jewelry by Andi_Erfurt

  • Magical Jewelry by Andi_Erfurt

    Small Curio mod that adds magic Rings, Amulets and Bracelets
    • 766883
    • 148.00 KB
    • 1.20.1
    • May 17, 2020
    • July 6, 2023
    • Armor, Tools, and Weapons
    Magical Jewelry
Mod Information
NameMagical JewelryAuthorAndi_ErfurtDescriptionSmall Curio mod that adds magic Rings, Amulets and Bracelets
InformationDownloads: 766883
Version: 1.20.1
Size: 148.00 KB
Updated at: July 6, 2023
Created at: May 17, 2020
Armor, Tools, and Weapons

This mod requires Curios API


This is a small mod that adds Rings, Amulets and Bracelets that have random potion and beacon effects.

There are four different rarities: Uncommon, Rare, Epic and Legendary. They have different amount of effects on them, which you can increase or decrease with config, by default Uncommon have one effect, Rare, Epic and Legendary have two effects. However Epic and Legendary also get one random Attribute each. Lastly Legendary gets one Legendary Potion Effect. Attributes and Legendary Effects can be disabled in config.


To get these Rings, Amulets and Bracelets all you have to do, is kill Hostile Mobs and explore the world to find chest. Legend says that there is a mysterious ring somewhere in the water, maybe someone will be lucky enough to fish it up someday.


IMPORTANT: Jewels from creative have no effects or attributes, and can't be upgraded. They are just a visual representation, of what you can get.


IMPORTANT: Datapacks made for 1.2.8 (1.16.5) and 1.1.7 (1.15.2) or earlier will break in newer versions



If you want to quickly check out this mod, or give jewels as rewards in your modpack, you can now easily give a player a jewel with either random rarity or with a specific rarity

  • /jewelGive <player> <jewel> -> This will give the player the chosen jewel with a random rarity
  • /jewelGive <player> <jewel> <rarity> -> This will give the player the chosen jewel with the chosen rarity

Unsure what rarity drop config settings, that's implemented in the world or on the server? Use this command

  • /jewelTestLoot -> This will show you the rarity setting for both Hostile and Boss loot
  • /jewelTestLoot <lootTable> -> This will show the rarity settings for the chosen lootTable


Piglins can now be made neutral (1.18 and newer only)

Piglins can be annoying, wear a gold version of any of the jewels and they will become neutral. This can be disabled in the config.


Upgrade system (1.16 and newer only)

Want to upgrade your old jewels to better rarity? Well now you can! Just use a Smithing Table to upgrade to the next tier. Upgrading a jewel resets it's durability.

  • To upgrade Uncommon to Rare, use a Diamond Block
  • To upgrade Rare to Epic, use a Netherite Ingot
  • To upgrade Epic to Legendary, use a Netherite Block



When you wear any of the jewels, they loose 1 durability each second. You can disable durability completely in config, and change the durability values for Uncommon, Rare and Epic.

  • Uncommon will last 2 hours in game
  • Rare 4 hours
  • Epic 6 hours
  • Legendary is unbreakable


Normal Effects

  • Speed
  • Haste
  • Strength
  • Jump Boost
  • Resistance
  • Luck



  • Extra Armor Toughness
  • Extra Armor
  • Extra Attack Damage
  • Extra Max Health
  • Extra Knockback Resistance


Legendary Effects

  • Regeneration (can be combined to a max level of 2, if enabled in config)
  • Fire Resistance
  • Water Breathing
  • Night Vision


Config options

  • Change the amount of effects each rarity have
  • Change the max level for stacked effects
  • Change if Epic and Legendary rarity should have an attribute modifier
  • Change if Legendary rarity should have a legendary effect
  • Disable effect icon in the top right corner
  • Disable durability for all rarities
  • Change the amount of durability each rarity have
  • Change the drop rate for each rarity
  • Change so only one rarity drops, and which rarity should drop
  • Disable Legendary rarity drop, so it's only available from upgrading (1.16 and newer only)
  • Disable upgrading (1.16 and newer only)
  • Disable chest drop
  • Disable rarity displayed in tooltips
  • Disable rarity displayed in name
  • Enable combinable Regeneration effect
  • Disable piglin neutral when wearing gold jewels (1.18 and newer only)



Feel free to use this in Modpacks


Special Thanks for language support:

  • pt_br - Mikeliro (outdated)
  • ru_ru - Fleyzi (slightly outdated)