Mod Magitek Mechs by DigiDigi_

  • Magitek Mechs by DigiDigi_

    Craft and pilot FF6-style Magitek Armor
    • 484.79 KB
    • 1.20
    • October 5, 2021
    • June 9, 2023
    • Player Transport
    Magitek Mechs
Mod Information
NameMagitek MechsAuthorDigiDigi_DescriptionCraft and pilot FF6-style Magitek Armor
Version: 1.20
Size: 484.79 KB
Updated at: June 9, 2023
Created at: October 5, 2021
Player Transport

Magitek Mechs


Magic-infused mechs based on Final Fantasy 6's Magitek Armor.

Preview of Magitek Armors


  1. Magitek Armor ( Powered by burnable fuel. )
  2. Tunnel Armor! Rapid digging of tunnels.
  3. Proto Armor ( Powered by electricity if TechReborn is installed. Free-energy otherwise. )


-Install (Fabric)-

Fabric API and Gecko Lib jars must be placed alongside this mod. Here are latest known working versions:

-Install (Forge)-

Craft armors with these recipesMTM Crafting Recipes

You will also need to craft a magicite or find one in random treasure chests.

Magicite Crafting and Inventories

Before they can operate, they must be fueled and have magicite attached.
Open the cabinets with shift and right-click.
The slot on the far right is for the beam. Use a blaze rod for a fire beam or a snow ball for an ice beam.

After that, right-click to ride. Press 'V' to use the beams or drill. (If this is a part of a modpack, you may have to reassign the controls)

You can restore your mech and carry it around if you hit it with a wrench.


-Ongoing issues-
I'm still figuring out why the beam will occasionally cause a nearby player to crash.
If its more of a problem than its worth, you can turn it off with "/gamerule beamDamage false"
"/gamerule beamFire" also exists if you want to disable fire starting.


-License & Sharing-
The code is available to reuse/modify under the MIT License.
You can use this in mod packs if you want. (Though keep in mind this is partly a fan work)