Mod Magneticraft by cout970
- 6.46 MB
- 1.12.2
- October 10, 2014
- May 14, 2022
- EnergyEnergy, Fluid, and Item TransportOres and ResourcesProcessingTechnology
Name | Magneticraft | Author | cout970 | Description | Industrial tech mod with a more realistic approach to machines and factories. |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.12.2 Size: 6.46 MB Updated at: May 14, 2022 Created at: October 10, 2014 | Tags | Energy Energy, Fluid, and Item Transport Ores and Resources Processing Technology |
Magneticraft is a mod for those looking for more realistic approach to machines and factories.
The mod includes huge multiblocks structures, a variety of machines, it's own power system (partially compatible with RF), heat mechanics, conveyor belts, pneumatic tubes and much more.
Some screenshots:
Whats in the mod?
- Metallic Items: ingots, double plates, heavy plates, nuggets, chunks, dusts, rocky chunks
- Tools: hammers, wrench, voltmeter, copper coil, thermometer
- Multiblocks: solar panel, grinder, sieve
- Crafting items
- Decoration blocks
- Ores and ingot blocks
- Crushing table and Sluice box
- Battery block
- Electric furnace
- Infinite Energy Block
- Combustion chamber, Boiler, Heat sink
- Conveyor belts, Inserter
- Infinite Water generator
- Thermopile
- Electric Heater, RF heater
- Feeding through
- Electric connector, Electric pole, Electric cable, Electric Pole Transformer
- Iron fluid pipe
- Pneumatic tube, Restriction tube
- Relay, Filter
- Fabricator
Unfinished stuff
- Batteries items
- Mod Manual in-game book
- Computer, Mining robot, Floppy discs
- Gears and upgrades
- Wooden boxes and storage solutions
- Variety of multiblock parts
- Infinite heat, infinite steam
- Airlock customization
- Finish Multiblocks: Shelving unit, Small steam engine, solar tower, solar mirror, container, pumpjack
- Flexible Wind turbine
- Small fluid tank, Tesla tower
- Multiblocks Big Steam boiler, Big combustion chamber
- Brick furnace
- Transposer
- RF Transformer
Mod spotlights
Spotlight by Kelley Engineering
Spotlight by TheTechDragonChannel
Q: Is the mod in development?
A: No
Q: Can I add this to my Modpack?
A: Yes, as long as you have a reference back to this post.
Q: Can I fork the mod, update it and redistribute a new version?
A: Yes, the mod is open source, so you just have to make sure to keep same license
Q: How do you convert RF/FE into Electricity (Joules)?
A: Use a RF transformer.
Q: How do you convert Electricity (Joules) into RF/FE?
A: Just attach a connector to the side of a RF/FE machine to power it.
Q: Does the mod support custom CraftTweaker recipes in machines?
A: Yes, checkout the documentation here.
Contacting Us
We have a discord channel, where you can ask questions, suggest new features and get all the news from the mod.
Special thanks to:
- CyanideX for helping/doing some of the textures.
- Yulife for helping with some of the textures.
- DivineAspect for helping us lay things out and for helping come up with ideas.
1.7.10 Information (1.7.10 is no longer supported)
Magneticraft is a mod for those looking for more realistic approach to machines and factories.
This mod introduces two types of energy: Electricity and Heat, as well as many machines producing them, converting them into each other and using them for things such as mining, ore processing or oil processing.
Electricity and Heat can be produced by different sources, including wind, solid fuel, oil, solar panels and others.
Electricity can also be generated from Thermal Expansion RF, RailCraft Charge or IndustrialCraft2 EU and can be converted into RF.
Spotlight by TechDragon (outdated):
Spotlight update:
This mod is built using Forge build 1448. It is recommended that you use at least this version. Also required are:
ForgeMultipart (
and CodeChickenCore (
Bug Reports
If mod crashes or you see something in the mod that doesn't work properly, please report the bug on the github bug tracker.
For more information visit: