Mod Mass Inscriber by gliscowo

  • Mass Inscriber by gliscowo

    Allows usage of entire stacks in the AE2 Inscriber
    • 8.01 KB
    • 1.16.5
    • January 17, 2021
    • January 16, 2021
    • Applied Energistics 2
    Mass Inscriber
Mod Information
NameMass InscriberAuthorgliscowoDescriptionAllows usage of entire stacks in the AE2 Inscriber
Version: 1.16.5
Size: 8.01 KB
Updated at: January 16, 2021
Created at: January 17, 2021
Applied Energistics 2

This is a simple addon for AE2 that enables usage of a Capacity Card in the Inscriber, allowing the input slots to hold entire stacks rather than just one item at a time.

Yes, you lose that one upgrade slot to the card but I argue the increased convenience is worth it.


The way this is currently implemented is sorta prone to breaking, so using this with a version of AE2 that is not explicitly stated compatible with a given version might work, but could just as well lead to horrible crashes or undefined behaviour. Please do not report such issues and always make sure you are using compatible versions. 


If you do however discover not stated compatibilities, feel free to notify me so I can add them to the list.