Mod Materialis by RCXcrafter
- 2515867
- 5.16 MB
- 1.18.2
- April 21, 2020
- June 11, 2023
- AddonsTinker's Construct
Name | Materialis | Author | RCXcrafter | Description | Tinkers Construct addon that adds more materials. |
Information | Downloads: 2515867 Version: 1.18.2 Size: 5.16 MB Updated at: June 11, 2023 Created at: April 21, 2020 | Tags | Addons Tinker's Construct |
Open this spoiler to see the description for the 1.12.2 version of this mod:
Another one of these?
Materialis is an addon for Tinkers Construct that adds more materials, some from other mods and some added by this mod.
This mod has full support for Construct's Armory which means you can make armor out of nearly all materials added by this mod.
Here's a list of materials it curently adds:
• Gold
• Quartz
• Diamond
• Emerald
• Leather (armor)
• Tin
• Zinc
• Brass
• Nickel
• Aluminum
• Aluminum Brass
• Fairy
• Pokefennium
• Red Aurum
• Drulloy
• Alumite
• Bamboo
• Jade
• Fly wing (fletching)
• Dragonfly wing (fletching)
• Exoskeleton (armor)
• Reinforced exoskeleton (armor)
• Rhino plate (armor)
• Neptunium
• Crystal Matrix
• Neutronium
• Infinity
• Living
• Wildwood (armor)
• Ghostwood
• Ghostwood (fletching)
• Bloodwood
• Darkwood
• Fusewood
• Flamestring (bowstring)
• Impskin (armor)
All materials can be separately disabled in the config.
Feel free to suggest materials for me to add.
I also have a discord server in case you prefer to use that: Invite
Materialis is an addon for Tinkers Construct that adds more materials from other mods, as well as a few other compatibility features.
Here is a list of everything it adds:
- Wrench tool that can rotate blocks and break a bunch of non-natural blocks such as pistons, it has a lot of ability slots so it can be modified into a right-click multitool
- Wrenching ability modifier: Allows tools to rotate blocks
- Galvanized modifier: Trades two upgrade slots for an ability slot, can only be applied to the wrench
- Fairy tool material
General compatibility:
- Brass material
- Aluminum material
- Nickel material
- Uranium material
Create compatibility:
- Rose quartz material (also works with Biomes o Plenty rose quartz)
- Refined radiance material
- Shadow steel material
- Mechanical wrenching upgrade: Can be applied to a wrenching tool to take over the functionality of the create wrench
- Engineers goggles upgrade for helmets
Eidolon compatibility:
- Pewter material
- Arcane gold material
- Inlay cast, for casting inlays from molten metal
- Reaping ability modifier: Allows you to harvest soul shards with your tool by killing undead mobs
Aquaculture compatibility:
- Neptunium material
Mystical World compatibility:
- Quicksilver material
Astral Sorcery compatibility:
- Starmetal Material
Industrial Foregoing compatibility:
- Plastic material
- Pink slime alloy material
- Pink slime crystal that can apply overslime to a tool
The Undergarden compatibility:
- Cloggrum material
- Froststeel material
- Utherium material
- Forgotten metal material
Mekanism compatibility:
- Refined obsidian material
- Refined glowstone material
Psi compatibility:
- Psimetal material
- Ebony psimetal material
- Ivory psimetal material
- Psionizing radiation ability modifier: Allows the tool to cast psi spells when mining blocks or attacking mobs, also adds 1 spell socket
- Socket modifier: adds 1 spell socket to the tool
- Casting ability modifier: Allows the tool to cast spells on right-click like a CAD.
- Colorizer modifier: Puts a decorative glowing stripe in your color of choice on the tool.
- Tinkers exosuit armor that can cast spells
Quark compatibility:
- Runed modifier: Applies a colored enchantment glint to your tool
Thermal Foundation compatibility:
- Thermal wrenching upgrade: Can be applied to a wrenching tool to take over the functionality of the crescent hammer
Occultism compatibility:
- Iesnium material
- Otherworld goggles ability modifier for helmets
Immersive Engineering compatibility:
- Immersive hammering upgrade: Can be applied to a wrenching tool to take over the functionality of the engineers hammer
Pretty Pipes compatibility:
- Pipe wrenching upgrade: Can be applied to a wrenching tool to take over the functionality of the pipe wrench
Botania compatibility:
- Livingwood material
- Dreamwood material
- Manasteel material
- Elementium material
- Terrasteel material
Mythicbotany compatibility:
- Alfsteel material
Draconic Evolution compatibility:
- Draconium material
- Awakened draconium material
- Capacitor upgrade that adds more energy storage to the tool
Redstone Arsenal compatibility:
- Flux-infused material
Ars Nouveau compatibility:
- Reactive ability modifier: allows the tool to cast spells on use
Avaritia compatibility:
- Crystal matrix material (binding only)
- Neutronium material
- Infinity material
- Cataclysmic modifier that adds extra upgrade and ability slots to a tool
- Skullfire modifier that a causes skeletons to always drop a wither skeleton skull
Feel free to suggest materials for me to add but make sure to check this list first.
I also have a discord server in case you prefer to use that: Invite