Mod Mine & Blade: Battlegear 2 by amedwards

  • Mine & Blade: Battlegear 2 by amedwards

    Minecraft Combat: Advanced
    • 1.13 MB
    • 1.8.9
    • June 22, 2013
    • August 21, 2016
    • API and Library
      Adventure and RPG
      Armor, Tools, and Weapons
    Mine & Blade: Battlegear 2
Mod Information
NameMine & Blade: Battlegear 2AuthoramedwardsDescriptionMinecraft Combat: Advanced
Version: 1.8.9
Size: 1.13 MB
Updated at: August 21, 2016
Created at: June 22, 2013
API and Library
Adventure and RPG
Armor, Tools, and Weapons

Mine & Blade: Battlegear 2, is a recreation of the popular combat mod for Minecraft currently in development. The mod focuses on:

  • Providing players with interesting and balanced combat features, including:
    • New weapons
    • Dual wielding of weapons
    • A shielding mechanic
  • Open source, and API-oriented, meaning anyone is free to add to the code base
    • The source code is available on github. Feel free to contribute or just have a poke around.

News & Annoncements

Changes for 1.8
Removed sword blocking. Added left hand delay for attack similar to right hand. Implemented attributes. The heraldry update is planned for later.

Mine & Blade Battlegear 2 : Bullseye Release 20/12/2013

We can proudly announce the (probably) final version of Mine & Blade Battlegear 2 for 1.6.4. It is stable enough and introduces the long awaited quiver system, hence its codename. The next big update (heraldry) will likely be included with 1.7.4 (or later Minecraft update).

Mine & Blade Battlegear 2 : Warcry (preview) Release 19/08/2013

We have (finally) released the first version of Mine & Blade Battlegear 2 for 1.6.2. This release has been codenamed "Warcry". This gives a good indication that this version focuses on Warrior's but also is likened to GotoLink and myself charging in with our first release.

This release includes

  • The new battlemode system
    • This will allow dual wielding of a small subset of items (mainly weapons)
  • Shields
    • Shields block all incoming damage from the front 120 degree arc when in use. Beware they can only be in use for a limited amount of time.
  • New Weapons
    • New weapons include the Waraxe, Mace, Dagger and Spear

Unfortunately we did have to remove some features from the old version (mainly revolving around the heraldry system)

Mod Mechanics

Weapon System / Dual Wielding

Mine and Blade 2 introduces a new weapon system to Minecraft. This system will allow the player to have up to 3 weapons sets available to them that can be switched to using the 'R' key. The system allows the player to specify a mainhand and an offhand weapon (so allows select dual wielding).

By default any weapon can be placed into the weapon system and any weapon without a special right click function can be dual wielded. The mod will also scan though items for weapons added by mods. For further mod support there is an API (check the github repository) Dual Wield and Sheath

Items are placed in the weapon system in a new GUI accessible from the main inventory with the top left "BG" button Battlemode GUI

When dual wielding, the left mouse button will attack with the mainhand (right) weapon and the right mouse button will attack with the offhand weapon (left) or block with the shield


Mine and Blade 2 introduces a shielding mechanic different to the normal sword block. Blocking with a shield will reduce all blockable damage taken from the front 120 degree arc. However a player cannot block indefinably as there is a stamina bar that appears above the normal minecraft health/armour icons.

Shields are crafted as follows Shield craft

When struck by an arrow, the arrow will appear in the shield. Arrows can be retrieved by placing the shield by itself in the crafting matrix (the arrows will be added to your inventory when you retrieve the shield)

A shield bash can be preformed by pressing the special action key ('Z' by default). This will cause any mob in front of you to be knocked back. Using a shield bash will cause you to loose a third of your stamina bar and render you unable to attack for 1/2 a second. Some enchantments can help improve those characteristics.

Shields can also be dyed similar to leather armour. Dye is removed by placing a water bucket in the crafting grid with the shield. (This may be removed when heraldry is finished)

Weapons & Armour


Although the waraxe does less damage to unarmoured foes than the sword, it is more able to penatrate armoured foes.

Waraxe Craft


The mace's blunt surface is perfect for dazing enemies

Mace Craft


The spear is the weapon for those who would rather poke their enemy from a distance

Spear Craft


The dagger is a quick weapon with lower damage than the sword

Dagger Craft

Chainmail Armour

Mine & Blade: Battlegear 2 introduces a new way of obtaining chainmail armour. 3 chain links can be obtained by placing 2 iron ingots in a vertical arrangement in a crafting grid. Chain links can then be used to make chainmail armour

Craft Chain Craft Armour

Quiver and Arrows


The quiver is a small item that has the ability to stack four times more arrows than a common arrow stack. It can be crafted with leather and arrows. You can empty it by right click.

Craft Empty Quiver Craft Quiver

Quivers can also be dyed similar to leather armour. Dye is removed by placing a water bucket in the crafting grid with the quiver.

Once you have a charged quiver in your inventory, a bow will deplete this item rather than using free arrows. A bow can be "dualwield" with the quiver in offhand. With a bow equipped, a custom bar will appear showing slots from the quiver. You can switch between slots (and thus, between arrows) with the special action key ('Z' by default). The quiver will also appear in the player's back.

There is an API that allows modders to make their own container for their own custom arrows, with hooks to customize enchantments, bow damage, etc.


Mine & Blade Battlegear 2 adds seven types of arrow which can be fired only from the quiver. The bow is also rendered differently to show those different arrows when used.

The fire arrows...set things on fire.

Craft Fire Arrow

The explosive arrows...explode things.

Craft Explosive Arrow

The ender arrows...teleport things around.

Craft Ender Arrow

The poison a wither effect on hit.

Craft Poison Arrow

The piercing arrow pierces through armors and glass blocks.

Craft Piercing Arrow

The mystery arrow...has weird effects.

Craft Mystery Arrow

The leech arrow takes your enemy lifeforce to heal you.

Craft Leech Arrow

It is said that skeletons may have acquired the knowledge to use those arrows. Fortunately, they aren't clever enough to hide them in their quiver nor switch between them.

Update Notifier

Mine & Blade Battlegear 2 contains a sophisticated new mod update detector known as M.U.D. The mod will check to see if you are running the most current version (for the version of minecraft you are using) and notify you if you are using an old version.

Pressing the Mod Update Detector button on the pause screen or in forges "Mods" screen or typing the command '/mud' will take you to the download screen. This will allow you to view the changelog and download then newest version of the mod (a restart will be required).

This part is strictly client-side, meaning you can deactivate it on your client without worrying about server conflict. It also means that, because it is disabled on server, a server owner has to update manually. It is designed this way to prevent any server overload.

Installation Instructions

  1. Download and Install Minecraft Forge for your Minecraft version
  2. Download the latest version of this mod from the files page for your Minecraft version
    • The latest version for 1.8 is currently Mine & Blade:
  3. Place the downloaded jar file into the mods directory

Bugs & Issues


  • Offhand weapons may take up to 3 1 second to update on other players in SMP


Issues we can't do anything about:

  • Render issues with any mod using RenderPlayerAPI
  • Many issues with mcpc+
  • Crash with SinglePlayerCommand and SmartMoving

Planned Features

Reintroduction of the Heraldry System

We are looking into a new way of implementing this.