Mod Mini Extras [Fabric] by iamSHIFT_
- 1.17 MB
- 1.20.1
- October 11, 2020
- June 19, 2023
- MiscellaneousUtility & QoL
Mod Information
Name | Mini Extras [Fabric] | Author | iamSHIFT_ | Description | This is mod adds some small extras and changes to vanilla Minecraft! |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.20.1 Size: 1.17 MB Updated at: June 19, 2023 Created at: October 11, 2020 | Tags | Miscellaneous Utility & QoL |
Also on Modrinth!
What's this mod about?
This mod adds small changes that aims to improve the vanilla experience of Minecraft.
Next you can check all the contents and on the wiki theres info about each one.
Everything here can be enabled / disable in the config file.
Some recipes were inspired by Vanilla Tweaks and other datapacks.
Not Compatible:
- Lanterns Belong on Walls
- Better Stairs
- Better Trapdoors
- Better Bark
- Better Brick
- Better Coloring
- Sand Conversion
- Easy Coral
- Alternative Dispenser
- Gravel From Flint
- Easy Ice
- Leather From Rotten Flesh
- Craftable Name Tag
- Nether Wart From Block
- Craftable Notch Apple
- String From Wool
- Creeper Defuser
- Silk Spawner
- Item Name Coloring
- Extra Beacon Base Size
- Chain Top Model
- Ender Dragon Always Drops Max Experience
- Potions Fix
- Prevent Bat Spawn
- Water To Ice
- Wall Lanterns
- Friendship Orb
- Spawner Upgrade
- Blaze drops Quartz
- Drowned drops Clay
- Guardian drops Lapis
- Husk drops Sand
- Shulker drops extra Shell
- Tropical Fish drops Coral
- Wither Skeleton drops Soul Sand
- Zombie drops Gravel
- Ender Dragon drops Diamonds
- Ender Dragon drops Dragon Egg
- Woll Shoes
- Copper Tools
- Silk Reinforced Deepslate
- Easier Reinforced Deepslate
- Faster Deepslate Mining
- Lamps on Beacons
Where can I find the recipes?
I have a bug/suggestion!
I want to use this in my modpack!
Feel free to do it.
By flammango