Mod MixinBooter by Rongmario
- 1732920
- 1.65 MB
- 1.12.2
- November 12, 2020
- September 13, 2023
- API and Library
Name | MixinBooter | Author | Rongmario | Description | A core plugin that prepares, boots mixins. Making lives easier for 1.12.2 mixin modders. |
Information | Downloads: 1732920 Version: 1.12.2 Size: 1.65 MB Updated at: September 13, 2023 Created at: November 12, 2020 | Tags | API and Library |
A library mod that helps out modders that want to mixin into mods but couldn't as they weren't inherently coremods.
This mod ultimately fixes that by preparing and booting mixin jsons very early, and make sure it is an easy process for modders that use this.
This below should not be needed when using MixinBooter 1.1
NOTE: For those that have Railcraft and Thaumcraft installed, please go through the following steps:
1. Install Bansoukou 2.0
2. Download this and extract into your .minecraft folder:
This had to be done as Railcraft uses a deprecated API and MixinBooter essentially loads all the jars early, Railcraft comes first and the old API gets loaded first into the classpath. The aforementioned uploaded .zip is a patch that patches the Railcraft jar.