Mod Mo' Bends by IVESIRIS

  • Mo' Bends by IVESIRIS

    Changes the look of players and mobs to act more realistic and epic.
    • 21611678
    • 752.53 KB
    • 1.12.2
    • June 7, 2015
    • January 2, 2022
    • Cosmetic
    Mo' Bends
Mod Information
NameMo' BendsAuthorIVESIRISDescriptionChanges the look of players and mobs to act more realistic and epic.
InformationDownloads: 21611678
Version: 1.12.2
Size: 752.53 KB
Updated at: January 2, 2022
Created at: June 7, 2015







The development of version 1.0.0 for 1.16.5 is in progress right now! If you'd like to be a part of it, see the progress, or just hang out, join our Discord server:

Say you came from CurseForge if you decide to come by! Hope to see you there ;)


Consider supporting me on Patreon! It would help turn ideas into reality <3!

Patreons get to customize their sword trail colours, as well as get many other accessories on higher tiers:
Blue sword trail



Read more on it here!



If you think that Minecraft characters could be more realistic, instead of having steady and rigid animations, this mod is just for you!  It makes creatures seem alive, and adds variety of other epic features!


This mod is client-side. That means, you only need to install it on the client for it to work, no need to install it on the server.


You can also configure the mod in various ways, here's a tutorial: ~CONFIGURING THE MOD~


Spider animations:


Wolf/Dog animations:



Creative-mode flying:




Player Animations:

  • Basic movement
  • Sprinting
  • Jumping
  • Sprint jumping
  • Swimming
  • Sword slashes
  • Fist punching
  • Sneaking
  • Archery
  • Ladder climbing

Zombie Animations:

  • Basic movement

Spider Animations:

  • Basic movement
  • Jump attack
  • Wall climbing

Skeleton Animations:

  • Basic movement
  • Archery


  • Arrow trails
  • Sword trails
  • Patreon rewards



Q: Will Mo' Bends be released for newer versions of Minecraft like 1.16?

A: Yes, it's currently being developed. The progress is being shared actively on my Discord, I also hold weekly development streams. Hop on in!


Q: Will (insert mod here) be compatible with Mo' Bends?

A: This depends on the mod. Due to the new system being implemented in 1.0.0, most mods should be compatible out of the box. If not, an addon to Mo' Bends can be programmed to add special compatibility with a certain mod or to add extra features. If there are any problems once 1.0.0 releases, report them on GitHub!


Q: I found a bug. Where do I report it?

A: You can report your bug here! Make sure to provide screenshots and/or a proper description of the problem :D.


Q: I have an idea for a feature! Where do I suggest it?

A: You can request features here!


Q: Will you backport to x version?

A: Probably not, but if I were to, it'd be after 1.0.0 is released, and then ported forwards.


Q: Can I use this on x server?

A: Mo' Bends is client side only, so it only needs to be installed on your client, not the server. Once it's installed on the client, feel free to play solo or online :D.