Mod Mo' Shiz Mod by profit_orange
- 16.82 MB
- 1.20.1
- July 28, 2013
- August 18, 2023
- Armor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticFoodOres and ResourcesWorld Gen
Name | Mo' Shiz Mod | Author | profit_orange | Description | Tools, Ores, Trees, Backpacks, 1000+ Blocks, Enchantments, Potions, and a lot more! |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.20.1 Size: 16.82 MB Updated at: August 18, 2023 Created at: July 28, 2013 | Tags | Armor, Tools, and Weapons Cosmetic Food Ores and Resources World Gen |
Mo' Shiz Mod is a large mod that has been in some sort of development since June 2013. Beginning with versions for 1.14.4, many of the original features of the mod have slowly been reworked and re-textured. Due to the complexity of the mod and its many components, focus is set primarily on the latest version of Minecraft the mod supports and for the most part, fixes for older versions will only be released if the issue is deemed to be game-breaking. If you have any questions, or find any issues, please feel free to let me know!
Finally Updated to 1.19+
- Minecraft 1.6.2 and 1.6.4 - While they work properly, these are nowhere near as much functionality as later versions
- Minecraft 1.7.2 and 1.7.10
- Minecraft 1.8 and 1.8.9
- Minecraft 1.11.2
- Minecraft 1.12.2
- Minecraft 1.14.4
- Minecraft 1.15.2
- Minecraft 1.16.3 - 1.16.4 - 1.16.5
- Minecraft 1.17.1
- Minecraft 1.18 - 1.18.1 - 1.18.2
- Minecraft 1.19.2 - 1.19.3 - 1.19.4
What Does This Mod Add?
- As of 1.19.4 Release v1.96.1
Tools, Armor, and Ores
- 48 Tool Sets - Including Hammers and Excavators
- 44 Armor Sets
- 21 Horse Armor Sets
- 7 New Shears - Working on adding the rest
- 2 New Bows
- 36 New Ores - 6 Nether Ores, 2 End Ores, and salt deposits in oceans
Trees, Plants, and Food
- 17 New Plants - 12 remaining colored tulips, 2 nether based mushrooms, 1 nether reed plant, soul grass for getting rye seeds, and 1 custom grass plant to drop modded seeds
- 7 New Trees - Which includes everything a vanilla tree has(planks, log variants, stairs, slabs, ect.)
- 4 new berry bushes(v1.95.7+)
- 8 new overworld crops
- 5 new nether crops(v1.95.7+)
- 100+ new foods(v1.95.7+)
- 21 new cakes(v1.95.7+)
Technical Blocks
- New toaster block
- New Kitchen mixer block
- New tree tap: Used alongside with new Sap Bucket to get sap from maple trees
- New Cheese Bin: Place milk inside and wait for cheese to be made
- New Butter Churn: Place milk inside and wait for the particles to stop
- New Record Holder Blocks: Display your collection of records
- New Shop Sign Blocks: Display items on a sign
- Stained Wooden Planks - Stairs, Slabs, Fences, Vertical Slabs, Buttons, and Pressure plates
- Stained Redstone Lamps
- Stained Concrete Block Variants - Stairs, Slabs, Walls, Vertical Slabs, Plates
- Stained Terracotta Block Variants - Stairs, Slabs, Walls, Vertical Slabs, Plates
- Stained Wool Block Variants - Stairs, Slabs, Walls, Vertical Slabs
- Stained Sand Blocks
- Stained Cobblestone Blocks - Stairs, Slabs, Walls, Vertical Slabs
- Stained Stone Blocks - Stairs, Slabs, Walls, Vertical Slabs, Pressure Plates, Buttons
- Stained Stonebrick Blocks - Stairs, Slabs, Walls, Vertical Slabs
- Stained Glowstone Blocks - Carpet, Fences Stairs, Slabs, Walls, Vertical Slabs
- 12 Variations of Granite, Diorite, Andesite, Quartz, Bricks, Sandstone, Red Sandstone, Stone Bricks, and Snow Blocks
- New Concrete, Terracotta, and Wool Pillar Blocks
- Decoration Variant Totals
- 242 Stairs
- 107 Fences
- 24 Fence Gates
- 142 Wall Blocks
- 242 Slabs
- 291 Vertical Slabs
- 28 Doors
- 27 Trapdoors
- 16 Dyed Lanterns
- 16 Dyed Torches
- 16 Dyed Wall Candles
- 16 Dyed Barrels
- 37 Pillar Blocks
- 49 Carpet Blocks
- 16 Stained Horizontal Glass Panes
- 16 Cast Iron Glass Candles
- 17 Wooden tables for all tree types
- 17 Wooden chairs for all tree types
- 17 Wooden stools for all tree types
- 17 Wooden chest for all tree types
- 16 Wooden crafting tables for all tree types
- 16 Bookshelves for all tree types
- 16 Dyed small backpacks
- 16 Dyed medium backpacks
- 16 Dyed large backpacks
- New Ender Backpack
- New /home set command
- 31+ New Paintings
- 2 New Stonecutter Variants - 1 Woodcutter, 1 Glasscutter
- New Items and Blocks that can be used as Fuel
- 4 New Music Records
- 5 New Mobs
- New Haste I and Haste II potions
- 6 new enchantments
- A new Zoom In feature - Press 'v' to activate
- 2 New potions
- New Display block
My Goal For This Mod
My goal for this mod, is to make a mod that doesn't feel too out of place in Minecraft, while adding in tons of new things and fixes that I thought Minecraft could benefit from. I plan on keeping textures for items as close to what they would have been if added to the Official game. I wanted to make a mod, just one mod that has the ability of many other mods combined, without having to worry so much about compatibility issues, as well as keeping the game running as smooth as possible. Going forward from v1.88 for Minecraft Forge 1.14.4 I intend to focus more on improving the mod to give it a much better forward direction instead of just randomly adding everything I could possibly imagine.
Mod Pack Information:
If you were wondering if you could use this mod in your mod pack, feel free to do so. If you need certain features to be configurable or changed, send me a message, and I'll try to get a version updated as soon as possible.While there are quite a few configuration options already available, there may still be some things that some modpacks require to be configurable that I may not have implemented. If you run into some crafting recipes issues, feel free to let me know. I haven't played modded Minecraft using this mod and other mods in quite some time, so it is difficult for me to make sure that everything is highly compatible with other mods.
Each version of this mod is continuously improved. Don't think a 6 year version has any indication of anything released today. If it wasn't such a pain and worth the effort, I would prefer to have older versions of this mod rewritten to work like the current version, which is the accumulation of years of learning and testing new things out and making things run and work better with vanilla minecraft features.
Mo' Shiz will be continuously updated.
v1.95.50 is only compatible with Minecraft 1.19.2
v1.96.0.+ will be versions compatible with Minecraft 1.19.3
A look into some of the features of the mod from v1.92 (Majorly outdated!)
- Current Minecraft 1.7 Release Build: Mo' Shiz v1.62.2
- Current Minecraft 1.8 Release Build: Mo' Shiz v1.75
- Current Minecraft 1.8.9 Release Build: Mo' Shiz v1.80
- Current Minecraft 1.11.2 Release Build: Mo' Shiz v1.84
- Current Minecraft 1.12.2 Release Build: Mo' Shiz v1.86.1
- Current Minecraft 1.14.4 Release Build: Mo' Shiz v1.88
- Current Minecraft 1.15.2 Release Build: Mo' Shiz v1.90
- Current Minecraft 1.16.3 - 1.16.4 - 1.16.5 Release Build: Mo' Shiz v1.93.2
- Current Minecraft 1.17.1 Release Build: Mo' Shiz v1.94.1.1
- Current Minecraft 1.18 - 1.18.1 Release Build: Mo' Shiz v1.95.5.1
- Current Minecraft 1.18.2 Release Build: Mo' Shiz v1.95.8
- Current Minecraft 1.19.2 Release Build: Mo' Shiz v1.95.50.2
- Current Minecraft 1.19.3 Release Build: Mo' Shiz v1.96.0.4
- Current Minecraft 1.19.4 Release Build: Mo' Shiz v1.96.1