Mod Mo' Villages by TheWeatherPony

  • Mo' Villages by TheWeatherPony

    Adds more villages and to more biomes
    • 8490993
    • 34.72 KB
    • 1.12.2
    • March 23, 2016
    • September 25, 2017
    • Structures
    Mo' Villages
Mod Information
NameMo' VillagesAuthorTheWeatherPonyDescriptionAdds more villages and to more biomes
InformationDownloads: 8490993
Version: 1.12.2
Size: 34.72 KB
Updated at: September 25, 2017
Created at: March 23, 2016

Mo' Villages is a WorldGen improvement mod that makes villages generate in more biomes and with more biome variants.

Minecraft 1.9/1.9.4 users - please note which version of this mod you are downloading. The mod has two editions of v1.5.2, one for only MC 1.9 and one only for MC 1.9.4 (they are not interchangeable, as they use different obfuscations).



This line of Mo' Villages is derived, with permission, from Pigs_WTF's version.

The default settings for this mod are found on this GitHub (MC 1.8+), to make contributing easier. Changes/updates/contributions to these configuration files will be reflected in updates after the changes.

This mod also has a page on (which uses the Curse download).