Mod Mob Controller by TheAwesomeGem

  • Mob Controller by TheAwesomeGem

    Allows you to fully control and customize entity/mob spawns.
    • 13.94 KB
    • 1.12.2
    • December 22, 2017
    • December 22, 2017
    • API and Library
      Server Utility
    Mob Controller
Mod Information
NameMob ControllerAuthorTheAwesomeGemDescriptionAllows you to fully control and customize entity/mob spawns.
Version: 1.12.2
Size: 13.94 KB
Updated at: December 22, 2017
Created at: December 22, 2017
API and Library
Server Utility

This mod allows you to fully control and customize entity/mob spawns without affecting or conflicting with any other mods that does the same thing.




The goal of this mod is to stop entities from lagging your world or hurt your TPS and allow you to control the max spawn rate of any entities. 






  • Ability to limit the max number of a specific entity in a chunk that can spawn.
  • Ability to limit the max number of a specific entity in a dimension/world that can spawn.
  • Ability to use entity selectors instead of specific entity id.
  • You can specify any entity using the mod id and name. By default the config is clean and doesn't affect anything.
  • It is compatible with Bloodmoon. There is an option to disable the limit when under a blood moon event.
  • It uses almost no server performance.



Discord(if you need any help):

Configuration Guide/Example(inside mobcontroller.cfg):


# Configuration File

# To add an entity, just specify it using this format: "modid:entityname" or use the entity selectors below:
# Entity Selectors:
# -----------
# all.water
# all.ambient
# all.mob
# all.animal
# -----------
# You can have any numbers of data as long as they are not duplicates.
# Data:
# -----------
# "S:Chunk-Limit" (Limits the number of the entity in a chunk)
# "S:Dim-Limit" (Limits the number of the entity in a dimension/world)
# "S:Bloodmoon-Exception" (If it should make an exception on blood moon's spawns and don't limit whilst there is a blood moon event)
# -----------
# Note: This mod respects the vanilla/modded settings of pre-existing mods. It's only used if you need
# reduce spawning of mobs of certain types. It cannot be used to increase mob spawns or whatever the default
# value is.




