Mod Mob Sunscreen by Kreezxil

  • Mob Sunscreen by Kreezxil

    Stop Zombies and Skeletons from Burning in the Sun!
    • 4751322
    • 14.42 KB
    • 1.20.1
    • July 18, 2018
    • July 15, 2023
    • Cosmetic
      Industrial Craft
    Mob Sunscreen
Mod Information
NameMob SunscreenAuthorKreezxilDescriptionStop Zombies and Skeletons from Burning in the Sun!
InformationDownloads: 4751322
Version: 1.20.1
Size: 14.42 KB
Updated at: July 15, 2023
Created at: July 18, 2018
Industrial Craft


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Prevent any mob from any mod from burning in sunlight!


You must configure the mod to block mobs from burning based on their resource location, aka modid:unlocalizedname.


You can get this information in the game by hitting F3+H. Then open creative and hover over a spawn egg or spawn item. You will see the extra information displayed.


In the config, you specify explicit mobs with full resource location, or you can globally by the modid only. There are examples for both in the config.


Enjoy the Challenge!


Fabric Versions

Require Fabric API and Cloth Config.


Config Confusion or Halp Mobs are still burning!!!



As of 3.0.0, it is no longer required on the client. Server side is more than sufficient.



No need to ask, just add. A link back would be nice, but not required.



Fix the issue where mobs that should no longer burn, start burning when they find their selves in a cart or boat.

This is now fixed in 1.19.x. I will start porting the fix to the previous versions for as deep as the code allows me to go. :)


Great With