Mod Modonomicon by kli_kli
- 3765841
- 2.12 MB
- 1.20.1
- October 19, 2021
- July 31, 2023
- API and LibraryAdventure and RPGMap and Information
Name | Modonomicon | Author | kli_kli | Description | Data-driven minecraft in-game documentation with progress visualization. |
Information | Downloads: 3765841 Version: 1.20.1 Size: 2.12 MB Updated at: July 31, 2023 Created at: October 19, 2021 | Tags | API and Library Adventure and RPG Map and Information |
Thaumonomicon-Style In-Game Documentation
Modonomicon is an in-game documentation mod inspired by Thaumcraft's Thaumonomicon and Patchouli, and aims to provide the best of both, with some unique flavors.
Some of the most interesting features are:
- Fully data-driven, all books are created via datapack (that means both Modpacks and Mods can add books).
- Patchouli-like Multiblocks (but fully data driven)
- Made to be extensible, mods can add new features, such as recipe pages for mod-specific crafting methods.
- "Quest/Advancement"-style 2D view to navigate the content, as seen in the Thaumonomicon.
- Extensible condition system to unlock entries.
- Easy styling of content with (extended) Markdown syntax.
- Various page types to display text, recipes, images, items and more.
Visit the Documentation to get started!
License & Use in Modpacks
Modonomicon is licensed under the MIT License (Source Code) and CC-BY-4.0 (Assets). See for detailed information.
Use in modpacks is allowed without restrictions, as long as the conditions of the MIT and CC-BY-4.0 license are fulfilled. You can consider these requirements fulfilled by linking to this page in your modpack.
If you create the modpack on curseforge a link will be automatically created in the files sections, you do not need to add a manual link.
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