Mod Modular Forcefield System by gaeakat
- 668.77 KB
- 1.6.2
- June 23, 2013
- July 9, 2018
- BuildcraftIndustrial CraftOres and ResourcesTechnologyThermal Expansion
Mod Information
Name | Modular Forcefield System | Author | gaeakat | Description | Adds powerful Forcefields to Minecraft! |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.6.2 Size: 668.77 KB Updated at: July 9, 2018 Created at: June 23, 2013 | Tags | Buildcraft Industrial Craft Ores and Resources Technology Thermal Expansion |
Original Mod Developers: Thunderdark & Matchlight
Programming: nekosune & Minalien
Art: Imalune
This mod adds a modular system for generating Force fields within game, at the cost of Redstone Flux (from Thermal Expansion). Beyond simply force fields, this mod also adds a wealth of base security, including the Area Defense station that is capable of fending off NPCs, mobs and other players - and stripping them of prohibited items!