Mod More Beautiful Plates by Kreezxil
- 576.59 KB
- 1.20.1
- September 1, 2017
- September 20, 2023
- CosmeticRedstone
Mod Information
Name | More Beautiful Plates | Author | Kreezxil | Description | 200+ Pressure Plates based on Vanilla Blocks. |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.20.1 Size: 576.59 KB Updated at: September 20, 2023 Created at: September 1, 2017 | Tags | Cosmetic Redstone |
More Beautiful Plates has five (5) types of pressure plates.
- Wooden Pressure Plates made from every type of Vanilla Wood including logs.
- Stone Pressure Plates made from every type of Vanilla Stone include the -rite family.
- Light Weighted Pressure Plates made from materials deemed to be gold-like in nature.
- Heavy Weighted Pressure Plates made from materials deemed to be iron-like in nature.
- Illuminated Pressure Plates made from Glowstone and Magma Blocks.
No longer are you limited to the four pressure plates that come with the stock vanilla experience!
Be Artistic
Combine this mod with my other mods such as More Beautiful Buttons, Big Beautiful Buttons, Lever & Button Lights, and Diamond Glass to achieve an incredible design experience.
Don't ask, just add. It's MIT. If you are feeling generous a link back to this page would be nice but is not required.
Fabric Versions Require Fabric API
If you want a server setup for the Any mod pack with zero effort, get a server with BisectHosting and receive 25% off your first month as a new customer using the code kreezxil