Mod More Mounted Storages by juh9870
- 184.28 KB
- 1.16.5
- November 13, 2021
- February 14, 2023
- AddonsEnergy, Fluid, and Item TransportStorage
Name | More Mounted Storages | Author | juh9870 | Description | Allows more modded storages to be used as a part of Create moving contraption |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.16.5 Size: 184.28 KB Updated at: February 14, 2023 Created at: November 13, 2021 | Tags | Addons Energy, Fluid, and Item Transport Storage |
Versions for 1.18 and beyond are posted here:
This mod is in a beta state, and some issues may arise while using it, so please report all issues you encounter to my github
More Mounted Storages mod allows for a greater variety of the modded storages to be used as a part of Create moving contraptions, as well as providing an API for other mod makers to add their own types of mounted storage.
Currently, only item storage are supported, and fluid storage support won't be added until Create add some form of an API for them
Currently supported mods:
- Ender Storage: Ender Chest
- Iron Chests: All chest types
- Storage Drawers: both normal and compacting variants
- Framed Compacting Drawers: same as above
- More Storage Drawers: same as above (since v1.3.0)
- Immersive Engineering: Crates
- Industrial Foregoing: Black Hole Unit and Black Hole Controller (items only)
- PneumaticCraft: Repressurized: Smart chest fix, requires PnC v1.16.5-2.14.6-277 or above to function (mod will still load with older version of PnC installed, but fix won't be applied)
- Expanded Storage: all chests and barrels types (since v0.0.2)
- Trash Cans: Trash Can and Ultimate Trash Can (since v1.1.0)
- EnderChests: Ender Chest (since v1.1.0)
- DimStorage Dimensional Chest (since v1.2.0)
Individual mods (or storages) support can be disabled in configuration file
Priority system (since v1.1.0):
Storages have different item insertion and retrieval priorities. By default, it goes in this order
1. Trash Can with whitelist filtering mode
2. Storage Drawers and Black Hole Units
3. Ender/Dimensional chests
4. All other chests/barrels/crates/etc
5. Trash Can with blacklist filtering mode
Priorities can be adjusted in configuration file
Comments are disabled. Use github issues, or ping me (juh9870#8970) in #devchat channel of Create official discord
Distribution policy:
You can use this mod in your modpack.
Please do not re-upload this mod on another website, please make sure your launcher gets this mod from is Curseforge page or GitHub releases page.