Mod More Plates by PanSzelescik
- 294.47 KB
- 1.12.2
- May 3, 2017
- March 1, 2019
- AddonsApplied Energistics 2CosmeticProcessingTinker's Construct
Mod Information
Name | More Plates | Author | PanSzelescik | Description | This mod adds some Gears, Plates and Rods |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.12.2 Size: 294.47 KB Updated at: March 1, 2019 Created at: May 3, 2017 | Tags | Addons Applied Energistics 2 Cosmetic Processing Tinker's Construct |
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5.4.0+ versions requires More Libs!
Requires Minecraft Forge!
This mod adds some Gears, Plates and Rods (1.12.2 version):
- Coal Gear and Plate
- Diamond Gear and Plate
- Emerald Gear and Plate
- Glowstone Gear and Plate
- Gold Gear, Plate and Rod
- Iron Gear, Plate and Rod
- Lapis Lazuli Gear and Plate
- Nether Quartz Gear and Plate
- Redstone Gear and Plate
- Aluminum Rod
- Bronze Rod
- Constantan Rod
- Copper Rod
- Electrum Rod
- Enderium Rod
- Invar Rod
- Iridium Rod
- Lead Rod
- Lumium Rod
- Mana Infused Rod
- Nickel Rod
- Platinum Rod
- Signalum Rod
- Silicon Gear and Plate
- Silver Rod
- Steel Gear, Plate and Rod
- Tin Rod
- Black Quartz Gear and Plate
- Diamantine Gear and Plate
- Emeradic Gear and Plate
- Enori Gear and Plate
- Palis Gear and Plate
- Restonia Gear and Plate
- Void Gear and Plate
- Empowered Diamantine Gear and Plate
- Empowered Emeradic Gear and Plate
- Empowered Enori Gear and Plate
- Empowered Palis Gear and Plate
- Empowered Restonia Gear and Plate
- Empowered Void Gear and Plate
- Certus Quartz Gear and Plate
- Fluix Gear and Plate
- Silicon Gear and Plate
- Crystal Matrix Gear and Plate
- Infinity Gear and Plate
- Neutronium Gear and Plate
- Elementium Gear and Plate
- Gaia Spirit Gear and Plate
- Manasteel Gear and Plate
- Terrasteel Gear and Plate
- Amethyst Gear and Plate
- Enriched Gold Gear and Plate
- Redstone Gear and Plate
- Reinforced Iron Gear and Plate
- Tanzanite Gear and Plate
- Awakened Draconium Gear and Plate
- Draconium Gear and Plate
- Conductive Iron Gear and Plate
- Construction Alloy Gear and Plate
- Dark Steel Gear and Plate
- Electrical Steel Gear and Plate
- End Steel Gear and Plate
- Energetic Alloy Gear and Plate
- Pulsating Iron Gear and Plate
- Redstone Alloy Gear and Plate
- Soularium Gear and Plate
- Vibrant Alloy Gear and Plate
- Crude Steel Gear and Plate
- Crystalline Alloy Gear and Plate
- Crystalline Pink Slime Gear and Plate
- Energetic Silver Gear and Plate
- Melodic Alloy Gear and Plate
- Stellar Alloy Gear and Plate
- Vivid Alloy Gear and Plate
- Demon Gear and Plate
- Enchanted Gear and Plate
- Evil Infused Iron Gear and Plate
- Osmium Gear and Plate
- Refined Glowstone Gear and Plate
- Refined Obsidian Gear and Plate
- Insanium Gear and Plate
- Inferium Gear and Plate
- Intermedium Gear and Plate
- Prudentium Gear and Plate
- Soulium Gear and Plate
- Superium Gear and Plate
- Supremium Gear and Plate
- Alumite Gear and Plate
- Mirion Gear and Plate
- Osgloglas Gear and Plate
- Osmiridium Gear and Plate
- Compressed Iron Gear and Plate
- Dark Matter Gear and Plate
- Red Matter Gear and Plate
- Electrotine Alloy Gear and Plate
- Red Alloy Gear and Plate
- Quartz Enriched Iron Gear and Plate
- Silicon Gear and Plate
- Corrupted Gear and Plate
- Amber Gear and Plate
- Quicksilver Gear and Plate
- Ardite Gear and Plate
- Cobalt Gear and Plate
- Knightslime Gear and Plate
- Manyullyn Gear and Plate
- Pig Iron Gear and Plate
- Fiery Gear and Plate
- Ironwood Gear and Plate
- Knightmetal Gear and Plate
It also adds recipes in a few machines (1.12.2 version):
Actually Additions:
- Atomic Reconstructor (only for Gears and Plates from Crystals)
- Empowerer (only for Empowered Gears and Plates)
- Elven Trade (for Elementium Gear and Plate)
- Mana Infusion (for Manasteel Gear and Plate)
Industrial Craft 2:
- Block Cutting Machine (only Plates)
- Forge Hammer support
- Metal Former (only Plates)
Immersive Engineering:
- Engineer's Hammer support
- Metal Press
Tech Reborn:
- Compressor (only Plates)
Thermal Expansion:
- Compactor
- Induction Smelter
And adds powerful config
You can add this mod in your modpack ;-)
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