Mod More Refined Storage by JayJay1989BE
- 550.36 KB
- 1.12.2
- January 12, 2019
- November 11, 2021
- AddonsMobsStorageTechnology
Mod Information
Name | More Refined Storage | Author | JayJay1989BE | Description | Just more storage for Refined Storage |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.12.2 Size: 550.36 KB Updated at: November 11, 2021 Created at: January 12, 2019 | Tags | Addons Mobs Storage Technology |
This is an Add-on & Dependent to Refined Storage & Reborn Storage Mod, it expands on these mods to include bigger storage drives for Refined Storage with some late game mechanics.
This mod adds:
- Disks (64, 262 million & 1 billion)
- Disk Parts (64, 262 million & 1 billion)
- Armor & Tools
- Potions and Enchantment Books
- Fusion Furnace for crafting the Crystalized Ingot
- Glaze Skeleton
Mod Compatibility:
- crafttweaker (usage)
- The One Probe
- Hwyla
- Just Enough Items
- Just Enough Resources
- Tinkers Construct
- Guide-API
Compatibility in progress (there is a custom made mod for both in latest version):
- Roost
- More Chickens
more info of this mod, read our wiki (WIP)
Bugs can be reported on Discord or the Issue tab
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