Mod MoreChisels by TehNut

  • MoreChisels by TehNut

    More chisels to chisel your things with.
    • 68.21 KB
    • 1.7.10
    • February 18, 2015
    • October 24, 2015
    • Addons
      Armor, Tools, and Weapons
Mod Information
NameMoreChiselsAuthorTehNutDescriptionMore chisels to chisel your things with.
Version: 1.7.10
Size: 68.21 KB
Updated at: October 24, 2015
Created at: February 18, 2015
Armor, Tools, and Weapons

More Chisels


Addon for Chisel-2  that adds assorted chisels.


Builds 21 and on have switched to the ChiselTeam fork of Chisel which can be found here.


Currently included chisels:


  • Gem Chisels - Configurable whitelist to scan the OreDict and create chisels for gem* items.
  • Fluxed Chisel - Chisel that runs off RedstoneFlux. Requires the RF API to be present in the runtime environment.
  • Bound Chisel - Chisel that runs off your Blood Magic LP network. Requires Blood Magic to be installed.
  • Ironwood/Steeleaf Chisels - Chisels created with Twilight Forest materials.
  • Bedrockium Chisel - Chisel with Integer.MAX_VALUE durability.


Chisels to come/Chisel requests:


See this issue for information.


Also, generally speaking, if you go into #Chisel on Esper, most requests there end up with the devs notifying me. I prefer the first option, however.


Alternate downloads: 


Sometimes Curse publishing is slow. You can find every download (Along with all my other projects) on my Jenkins


No pics no clicks 

Bedrockium Chisel




IRC: #TehNut on Esper

Twitter: @OfficialTehNut


Github: TehNut


Modpack Permissions

For full details, view our license. Distributor rights are automatically given to any user who wishes to include the mod in their modpack if the intent is not malicious and/or commercial. I reserve the right to change this section as needed.