Mod NEIlootbags by Gigabit101
- 7.73 KB
- 1.7.10
- May 12, 2016
- August 26, 2016
- Addons
Mod Information
Name | NEIlootbags | Author | Gigabit101 | Description | A small nei Addon |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.7.10 Size: 7.73 KB Updated at: August 26, 2016 Created at: May 12, 2016 | Tags | Addons |
Adds all the loot found in the loot-bags mod to NEI
This mod was made for Wyld for the Sky-factory mod-pack.
This mod requires both Lootbag's and NEI to be installed
Thanks to Wyld for the mod Idea.
Coming soon
I'm working on changing the GUI to have all outputs on one screen.