Mod Name Pain by naqaden
- 24.48 KB
- 1.20.2
- March 8, 2020
- September 21, 2023
- CosmeticMap and InformationMobs
Name | Name Pain | Author | naqaden | Description | Vanilla-friendly health-based nameplate coloring, better villager & pet name visibility, many configs (lightweight client-sided QoL) tweaks nametags clientsided quality of life combat change colors players tames pets cosmetics hide disable fabric |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.20.2 Size: 24.48 KB Updated at: September 21, 2023 Created at: March 8, 2020 | Tags | Cosmetic Map and Information Mobs |
Recolor the nameplates of players & mobs for combat or cosmetic purposes. Color and opacity are configurable. Now you can see how your friends are doing and keep a better eye on your villagers and pets without extra visual clutter like scoreboards. All features are optional.
See the names of your tamed pets without looking directly at them,
and see the names of nearby mobs once they've been hit:
Villager names can be seen from all angles too, pairing nicely
with Village Names and Villager Names (Forge/Fabric):
1.4.0 Configuration overview (requires Cloth Config):
If you just want to change nameplate coloring without health-based change, set all Min Health RGBA values equal to their corresponding Max Health RGBA values. If you want to hide nameplates from your screen, set each Alpha all the way down to 0.
Check your server's rules, if any, before using this mod in multiplayer. For example, Hypixel's rules are against player health indicators.
Download Notes:
Only clients need this mod. Servers will ignore it. Forge available for MC 1.7.10 - 1.12.x, 1.14.x - 1.19.4
Fabric available for MC 1.14.x - 1.19.4
Fabric releases are marked as Beta for browser users under Recent Files.
Only Alpha downloads should be considered unfinished/untested.
Version Notes:
• MC 1.13 is no longer supported.
• MC 1.14+: vanilla's Accessibility Settings > Text Background: Everywhere won't apply to nameplates.
• MC Fabric 1.14+ & Forge 1.15+ support hiding item frame nameplates.
• MC 1.15+: MC-162693 is an ugly vanilla nameplate bug caused by sneaking. Please vote for priority!
Visit the Issues tab for known issues or to add your own. Other feedback is always welcome in comments, on the forum, or by PM.
Many, many animals were harmed in the making of this mod. Check out modpacks with this mod.