Mod Nature's Minerals by ianm1647

  • Nature's Minerals by ianm1647

    Adds 4 new resource metals, a new alloy, and more!
    • 577.29 KB
    • 1.20.1
    • April 10, 2021
    • July 21, 2023
    • Addons
      Armor, Tools, and Weapons
      Ores and Resources
    Nature's Minerals
Mod Information
NameNature's MineralsAuthorianm1647DescriptionAdds 4 new resource metals, a new alloy, and more!
Version: 1.20.1
Size: 577.29 KB
Updated at: July 21, 2023
Created at: April 10, 2021
Armor, Tools, and Weapons
Ores and Resources



Adds 4 new resource metals, a new alloy, 2 new forges, and more to your Alloy Forgery experience!




Resource Ores, Blocks, and Items:



Scorched Coal is crafted with coal, blaze rods, and lava buckets

Uvarovite (green) generates in desert biomes

Kunzite (pink) generates in savanna biomes

Stibnite (blueish-gray) generates in the Nether

Astrite (red) generates in the End

Thounite (yellow) is an alloy crafted with stibnite, astrite, and scorched coal

Adds hammers and excavators for both NM and vanilla materials

(If vanilla hammers or excavators is installed, vanilla tools from this mod are disabled)



Netherite Forge (Tier 4):



Astrite Forge (Tier 5):




Support for other mods:

Farmer's Delight

Vanilla Hammers

Vanilla Excavators




 Click any of the links below to check out anything of mine:


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A Tinkers Construct addon that adds new materials to spice up your mining trip while also making your Tinker Tools look shiny!

Adds 4 new ores and one new alloy to the Tinkers Construct progression!

Diamond, Emerald, and Blaze Rod Materials are now in TiCBC!


- Kunzite material (found in Savanna biomes)

- Uvarovite material (found in Desert biomes)

- Stibnite material (found in the Nether)

- Astrite material (found in The End)

- Thounite material (an alloy made from stibnite, astrite, hepatizon, and blood lava)

all materials

- Blood Lava and Scorching Blood smeltery fuels

blood lava and blazing blood fuels


Old Source:


Check out my other mods:

TiCBC - Tinkers Better Compat