Mod Nef's Medieval decoration by neoelfe0
- 2858648
- 6.89 MB
- 1.16.5
- February 8, 2021
- April 6, 2023
- Armor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticMCreatorStorage
Name | Nef's Medieval decoration | Author | neoelfe0 | Description | Medieval furniture |
Information | Downloads: 2858648 Version: 1.16.5 Size: 6.89 MB Updated at: April 6, 2023 Created at: February 8, 2021 | Tags | Armor, Tools, and Weapons Cosmetic MCreator Storage |
Is there a config file?
No, there is not.
Can you disable structure generation?
This mod is causing problems in my modpack, what should I do?
Delete this mod.
Update for 1.18/1.19?
CIT resource pack imspired on this mod:
(No structures, no hard recipes, no world generation, 100% server friendly)
1.18.2/1.19.2 Version of the mod
I think I will keep alive this mod, but only for 1.16.5, don't expect new versions supported.
Small rework to fixed compass and village map.
Added the same functions from Farm decoration and explorer gear, once right clicked, fixed compass will display which direction the player is facing.
And the map shows your current coordinates.
Here is a video of how it works.
Lite version 9.7:
So, what's new on the mod?
Not much.... just a lot of bug fixes and improvements to some blocks, The saw bank was removed, and the pottery is here to help you create some items.
Nopal was impproved.
Bundles are now uncrafteable (Barrels full of fruit, apples, potatoes, carrots)
Find pumpkin orchards in swamps.
You can sit now on horizontal logs (the large one).
The clay pot now has some stews implemented, don't break it!
Now the mod adds it's recipes to the minecraft recipe book and some advancements had been added as well.
There are two new building blocks, mosaic and adobe bricks, adobe bricks are made of mud and clay, and when hardened they are explosion-proof.
Mosaic can be dye in any color (Not implemented yet).
Not all of the stuff is completed, but this release is stable.
Recipe learning method removed due to performance issues on servers.
If you find any problem let me know!
A small guide to show how some blocks work and/or interact with each other.
Contents of the mod in version 0.7
How to craft a mapamundi, Remember: mapamundi will always face left from players view when created, place stool with this in mind.
How small axe works, and how to craft it.
Slingshots, or how to annoy your neighbor by breaking their windows
Cooking pot. The best item this mod adds.
How to craft signs.
Alternate world generation mods like terraforge make structures too common.
This is how wardrobes work.
Mod Spotlight by AsianHalfSquat
Mod spotlight by Flammango:
Mod spotlight by Angelbee
Mod spotlight by Jotadetc Minecraft
Mod spotlight by Arraxx4
Mod spotlight by ЛЁША В МАЙНКРАФТЕ
Mod spotlight by Da_NoL
Mod Spotlight by Gaansy
Follow the development of this mod in gamejolt.
When you go on Creative Mode and take any block or item from the Creative menu, all the items in the sack disappear.
If you leave the sack somewhere else in a chest for example, this bug does not happen.
✔ Make the mushroom islands more interesting by adding more vegetation
⭕ Add more recipes for the cooking pot
⭕ Factions (at least 4)
⭕ Thrones (At least 4)
⭕ Hostile/Pasive Mobs
⭕ NPC's that actually works...
❌ Uses for grimoires