Mod NeverEnderOre by 9636Dev
- 178.43 KB
- 1.19.2
- September 19, 2022
- November 11, 2022
- AutomationTechnology
Mod Information
Name | NeverEnderOre | Author | 9636Dev | Description | Mod that adds the capability to infinitely mine 1 ore. |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.19.2 Size: 178.43 KB Updated at: November 11, 2022 Created at: September 19, 2022 | Tags | Automation Technology |
Never Ender Ore
AutoSmithingTable is a mod that adds the ability to automate 'Smithing Recipes'
Never Ender Ore adds new blocks to the game that when mine will generate and drop raw ores.
Image of Never Ender Iron Ore:
GUI of Ore Extractor:
Image of Ore Remover:
- Adds NeverEnderOre, which will regenerate when mined
- Adds Raw resources of NeverEnderOre variant
- Adds Ore Extractor, which can be used to extract raw resources from NeverEnderOre
- Adds Ore remover, which can be used to remove NeverEnderOre completely
How do I report bugs / Request features
Bug reports and reature requests can be posted on the Mod Github
You are allowed to use the mod without asking! No plagerizing, check License
Created By 9636Dev and Gurkysword12. Patreon Textures by Gurkysword12 Code by 9636Dev, benbenlaw.-