Mod Nightmare Craft: Guns & Explosives by divinegaminginc

  • Nightmare Craft: Guns & Explosives by divinegaminginc

    Pistols, Assault Rifles, Snipers, Shotguns and more!
    • 2.02 MB
    • 1.18.2
    • November 14, 2022
    • February 23, 2023
    • Armor, Tools, and Weapons
    Nightmare Craft: Guns & Explosives
Mod Information
NameNightmare Craft: Guns & ExplosivesAuthordivinegamingincDescriptionPistols, Assault Rifles, Snipers, Shotguns and more!
Version: 1.18.2
Size: 2.02 MB
Updated at: February 23, 2023
Created at: November 14, 2022
Armor, Tools, and Weapons


The complete suite of guns and explosives found in Nightmare Craft.


Guns (see pictures in Images) :

This mod brings a vast selection of guns ranging from Pistols to Miniguns that deal INSANE damage. With realistic looks and feel, you can easily slay even the most epic of monsters or enemies. Bullets are available per gun type.


  • Glock - dual wieldable
  • Enforcer - dual wieldable
  • Desert Eagle - dual wieldable
  • Six Shooter - dual wieldable


Assault rifles:

  • AK-47 - two handed - off hands needs to be empty to shoot
  • FAMAS - two handed - off hands needs to be empty to shoot
  • M4A1 - two handed - off hands needs to be empty to shoot



  • UZI - dual wieldable
  • MP- 5 - dual wieldable
  • P90 - two handed - off hands needs to be empty to shoot



  • M110 - Up to 8x zoom on scopes. Two Handed.
  • Model 95 - Up to 10x zoom on scopes. The scope also provides a glow on entities to support better aiming and increase level of deadliness. Two Handed.



  • Double Barrel - two handed - off hands needs to be empty to shoot
  • Remington - Reloads bullet by bullet. Two handed - off hands needs to be empty to shoot
  • Benelli M4 - Reloads bullet by bullet. Two handed - off hands needs to be empty to shoot
  • The Beast (custom design) - EXTREME SPREAD AND DAMAGE


Rocket Launchers:

  • RPG-7 - has it's own missile
  • FGM-148 Javelin - has it's own missile


Minigun - Has a crate of bullets to be reloaded with

Flamethrower - Has a tank to be reloaded with



Attachments are available for the guns appropriately: scopes, red dots and silencers.

The scopes provide incredible zoom (snipers up to 10x zoom) and there is a special mouse setting available to set the mouse sensitivity for each scope type to support better aiming.



Remote Detonator - Works on any explosive to set it off remotely.

Grave Robber TNTs - Explode in a mineshaft shape.

Extra Potent TNTs - Causes bigger explosions than regular TNT
Proxy Mines - Explodes when an entity gets close to it

EMPs - Sends electric shock to all nearby entities

Neutron Bombs - Massive Explosion