Mod Not Enough Breeding by SaFiKiK

  • Not Enough Breeding by SaFiKiK

    Make breeding in Minecraft more interesting
    • 42.70 KB
    • 1.19.3
    • November 7, 2020
    • February 13, 2023
    • Adventure and RPG
    Not Enough Breeding
Mod Information
NameNot Enough BreedingAuthorSaFiKiKDescriptionMake breeding in Minecraft more interesting
Version: 1.19.3
Size: 42.70 KB
Updated at: February 13, 2023
Created at: November 7, 2020
Adventure and RPG

Have you ever wanted to make Minecraft breeding less useless? Did you ever make a big pig shelter without getting that much of a pleasure from breeding them? Well, this mod changes a bit of everything related to dreeding.

It adds stats to every breedable Minecraft animal (Except Turtles - they make eggs instead of natural breeding and blah blah).



Strength - Every point of Strength adds health to your animals. Better animals means BETTER in almost everything :)

Growth - Makes your baby animals grow faster!

Yield - Adds a chance to get animal drops twice or even thrice when you harvest them.


Every stat has a cap of 10. Every animal that was spawned naturally will have 1/1/1 stats.

Corresponding formulas for each stat:

Health = baseHealth + ((baseHealth / 5) * Strength);

Growth Time = 24000 / Growth;

Drop Chance = (Yield % 5 != 0 ? Yield % 5 : 5) * 20%. Yield 5 means a 100% chance to get double drops from animal. Yield > 5 means 100% chance to get double drops and extra chance for triple drops (up to 100% 3x).


To get animal stats just right click it. Rideable animals can be shift-right-clicked to get stats. They will show up at the Status Bar.


Each baby animal will have 3 attempts of getting better stats (up to +3 from base). Every attempt after a successful one will have lower chances.



Currently there is no config file for Fabric version. The only difficulty available for Fabric: Medium.

This mod adds 4 difficulty settings (Configurable at mod config file located at /config/notenoughbreeding-common.toml).

The Difficulty is responsible for chances of an animal child to get better stats than its parents. Base chances are following (when the respective parent stats are equal):

Easy - 1/1;

Medium - 1/3;

Hard - 1/6;

Impossible - 1/10.


Just use this mod in your modpack if you wish :) Everything related to posting on other forums should have a link to this page. Thanks