Mod Not Enough Crashes (Fabric) by NatanFudge

  • Not Enough Crashes (Fabric) by NatanFudge

    When crashing, you can go back to the title screen and keep playing, without needing to restart, alongside other things to make crashes more pleasant.
    • 3299582
    • 133.57 KB
    • 1.20.2
    • December 7, 2019
    • September 21, 2023
    • Miscellaneous
    Not Enough Crashes (Fabric)
Mod Information
NameNot Enough Crashes (Fabric)AuthorNatanFudgeDescriptionWhen crashing, you can go back to the title screen and keep playing, without needing to restart, alongside other things to make crashes more pleasant.
InformationDownloads: 3299582
Version: 1.20.2
Size: 133.57 KB
Updated at: September 21, 2023
Created at: December 7, 2019

Not Enough crashes is a Minecraft mod that improves crashes in Minecraft. Fabric is supported for all versions. Go here for Forge downloads.
NEC can be installed on the client and server independently.
Features include:

  • When crashing, you can go back to the title screen and keep playing, without needing to restart.
  • A convenient way to submit syntax-highlighted crash reports via a special crash screen.
  • Display a list of mods that were involved in the crash, and can be clicked to go to their issue tracker.
  • More useful stack traces that are deobfuscated and include additional information such as NBT for mod developers.

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