Mod Not Enough Wands by romelo333

  • Not Enough Wands by romelo333

    Adds various very configurable utility wands to Minecraft
    • 27680783
    • 172.61 KB
    • 1.16.5
    • August 31, 2015
    • August 9, 2023
    • Armor, Tools, and Weapons
    Not Enough Wands
Mod Information
NameNot Enough WandsAuthorromelo333DescriptionAdds various very configurable utility wands to Minecraft
InformationDownloads: 27680783
Version: 1.16.5
Size: 172.61 KB
Updated at: August 9, 2023
Created at: August 31, 2015
Armor, Tools, and Weapons

This is a mod that adds various utility wands to Minecraft. The main strength of this mod is the configurability. For every wand you can configure the following settings: 

  • Availability (not available, only creative, easy recipe, hard recipe)
  • If it should use durability
  • If it should use XP
  • If it should use RF
  • If (and how often) it can be generated in chests

In addition some wands have specific configuration options. This makes this mod ideal for modpacks where you want to specifically control which wands are available and how.


The wands that are currently available are: 

  • Swapping wand: select a block and make sure you have enough of that block in your inventory. Then you can replace other blocks with that block. Has a single mode, 3x3 mode, 5x5 mode and a 7x7 mode (a bit like the Wand of Equal Trade). In future this wand will also have an undo functionality.
  • Teleportation wand: right click forward to teleport (by default) 30 blocks. If you right click on a block then the player will be teleported on that block if there is room. If not the player will be teleported next to the block.
  • Capturing wand: capture any living mob (hostile or not) with a left click. Release it again with a right click.
  • Building Wand: extend your builds easily with this wand. Has several modes and also features undo for the last two building operations! No more accidental doubling of your floor.
  • Illumination Wand: light up dark places easily with this wand.
  • Moving Wand: pick up a block (normal blocks as well as tile entities such as chests, furnaces, spawners, aura nodes, ...) and place it down elsewhere. Configurable to make it more expensive to move some blocks and it is also possible to blacklist blocks from being moved.
  • Displacement Wand: push or pull blocks or a rectangle of blocks. Works on tile entities as well.
  • Protection Wand: protect blocks against explosions or harvesting attempts. Every wand can only unprotect blocks protected by the same wand. You can make backups of your wands.
  • Master Protection Wand: this wand can unprotect blocks protected by any other wand.
  • Acceleration Wand: this wand accelerates block ticks (like crops, saplings, ...) as well as tile entity ticks (spawners, furnaces, ...). It has three modes related to how fast it should accelerate.

Many more wands are planned. This is just the beginning.


Some wands in this mod have different modes. You can change the mode of a wand with the '=' key (default, you can change this in the key bindings).


Modpack policy: no restrictions on modpack inclusion. Feel free to use this in any modpack you want.


Issue Trackergithub issue tracker


Mod spotlight by DireWolf20: