Mod Nullscape by Starmute
- 310.74 KB
- 1.20.2
- January 20, 2022
- September 23, 2023
- BiomesDimensionsWorld Gen
Name | Nullscape | Author | Starmute | Description | Vanilla End expansion for Fabric and Forge. More varied terrain - same barren, unforgiving void. |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.20.2 Size: 310.74 KB Updated at: September 23, 2023 Created at: January 20, 2022 | Tags | Biomes Dimensions World Gen |
Stardust Labs has a Discord for Nullscape and our other projects!
The End is a barren, depressing, bleak place. As it should be, and always will be.
This is a datapack (packaged as a mod for Fabric and Forge) designed to overhaul the End's generation in a way that maintains this identity - a realm of utter desolation. Nullscape will make you feel tiny and alone in the vast expanse of the End. You against the void - nothing more than that.
Nullscape boosts the End's height to 384 blocks, and makes full use of 1.18's modern features to generate incredibly varied terrain. You'll find everything from shattered islands to floating valleys to crystallized peaks.
Nullscape v1.2 introduces a new terrain system based around materials science. Essentially, different regions of the End - on very large scales - have different properties and a different 'feel' to allow for almost infinite variation in terrain shapes. From sponge-like porous terrain to stretched alien landscapes to stacked rounded islands, you'll find new and interesting terrain no matter how far you go.
Unlike previous versions of Nullscape, in 1.19 the End has been returned to being only one dimension rather than the two from before. This means no more issues with functions working strangely!
Please support me on Patreon if you like my content!
Many thanks to my patrons:
SarcasmTree, Bluphenyx, Cyprezz, nbdTyler, Kuma, ×͜×, Catolan, Robified, netherial, The W, JoshuaS, Keanes, RZ302, Esron, M3lon, IAmTheWarioMan, Redhawk, Blu, Oogab00ga94, PortableGames, joemassdsd, Necro, yonderbean, Crimson, Kivo, Aylias, help, Torin, Rhinorulz, Janetyqua, Acer, ExistingEevee, PandaGGuy, 黒民, Charleston, HAMCORE, Spence, Olofson, J Lucas, Gaarai, LegionaresCZ, Zapdos, Lorelando, jackson, Tytolis, plasmarob, and MazeWave!