Mod Obscure API by ObscuriaOfficial
- 1438103
- 485.48 KB
- 1.20.1
- June 30, 2022
- June 28, 2023
- API and LibraryAdventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsUtility & QoL
Mod Information
Name | Obscure API | Author | ObscuriaOfficial | Description | Auxiliary Library |
Information | Downloads: 1438103 Version: 1.20.1 Size: 485.48 KB Updated at: June 28, 2023 Created at: June 30, 2022 | Tags | API and Library Adventure and RPG Armor, Tools, and Weapons Utility & QoL |
Obscure API is a library for other mods that doesn't add content to the game on its own.
It is closed source until all planed features are implemented.
This mod is part of the Obscuria Collection
★ ★ ★
Obscuria Collection - a series of mods united by a common setting and game mechanics.
The main purpose of the Collection is to add many hours of gameplay that will provide you with an unprecedented and completely unique gaming experience.