Mod Observable by tasgon

  • Observable by tasgon

    See what's lagging your server.
    • 8544618
    • 461.83 KB
    • 1.20.1
    • July 30, 2021
    • September 3, 2023
    • Map and Information
      Server Utility
Mod Information
NameObservableAuthortasgonDescriptionSee what's lagging your server.
InformationDownloads: 8544618
Version: 1.20.1
Size: 461.83 KB
Updated at: September 3, 2023
Created at: July 30, 2021
Map and Information
Server Utility

Observable profiles (tile) entities and shows you what's taking up tick time and where. Forge and Fabric compatible. (Note: default keybind to open profiler GUI is r.)


This mod seems to work with major modpacks (Fabric packs tested more often than Forge), but I won't guarantee anything. Also please report any bugs on the GitHub repository here.


Current known issues:

  • Results screen is sometimes empty (closing and reopening the GUI fixes it)



  • Why is the mod crashing on startup with a "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: kotlin.jvm.<whatever>"?

The mod uses the Kotlin standard library, so please install a mod that provides that, such as Kotlin for Forge or Fabric Language Kotlin.

  • Does this mod need to be installed on the server?

In order to work, yes. Also, players can connect without the mod installed on the client, however they will not be able to use any of its features.


Screenshots here.