Mod Open Parties and Claims by xaero96

  • Open Parties and Claims by xaero96

    Adds the ability to claim chunks and make player parties, integrates with Xaero's Minimap and World Map
    • 3957815
    • 1.16 MB
    • 1.20.1
    • June 24, 2022
    • August 6, 2023
    • API and Library
      Server Utility
    Open Parties and Claims
Mod Information
NameOpen Parties and ClaimsAuthorxaero96DescriptionAdds the ability to claim chunks and make player parties, integrates with Xaero's Minimap and World Map
InformationDownloads: 3957815
Version: 1.20.1
Size: 1.16 MB
Updated at: August 6, 2023
Created at: June 24, 2022
API and Library
Server Utility
The mod is currently in Beta!

This mod adds the ability to claim and to forceload world chunks, as well as create and manage player parties. It also gives server owners powerful controls over their players' usage of the mod's features.

The mod's API allows other mods or plugins to easily interact with the parties and the chunk claims, both on the server and the client side. The mod already integrates with Xaero's Minimap and World Map mods. Make sure to update them to the latest versions.


/openpac ... - player config commands
/openpac-claims ... - everything claim-related
/openpac-parties ... - everything party-related
/opm - shortcut for the party chat

Key Bindings:

' - open the mod UI. Can be changed in the controls menu.


[world directory]/serverconfig/openpartiesandclaims-server.toml - the main mod config. Make sure to shut down the server before editing it, or the server might overwrite all your changes.
[world directory]/serverconfig/openpartiesandclaims-... - some global "player configs", although all of them can be accessed in game through the UI


1) How do I configure the mod on my server?

The mod is mainly configured through the main config file at [world directory]/serverconfig/openpartiesandclaims-server.toml, while the server isn't running. Server claim, expired claim and wilderness configs, as well as the default player config, can be edited by OPs in-game with the UI (check your key bindings). Normal players can configure their own player config with the same UI. If the mod isn't installed on the client side, then you can use the player config chat commands instead.

2) How do I use this mod as a regular player?

Most things related to claims can be accessed with the in-game UI (check your key bindings). If you have the Xaero's World Map mod installed, you can view and edit your claims on the map screen as well, by right-clicking on the map or dragging with the right mouse button to make a selection. You can also use chat commands to make/edit claims. Parties can only be created and managed through chat commands at the moment.

3) Why are some options greyed out in my player config?

The server admin/owner can configure with the main config file option playerConfigurablePlayerConfigOptions which specific options players have access to. Everything else uses the value in the default player config.

4) How do I disable all protection on my server?

In the server claim, expired claim and wilderness configs, as well as the default player config, disable the main protection option. Next, edit the config file [world directory]/serverconfig/openpartiesandclaims-server.toml, while the server isn't running. Remove the main option claims.protectClaimedChunks from playerConfigurablePlayerConfigOptions.


Supported Mods:

A lot of (usually smaller) mods should be supported by the claimed chunk protection automatically. Some mods go above and beyond with the mechanics they add to the game or modify, in which case chunk protection is not guaranteed and should be manually added, either to this mod or with an additional one. Feel free to leave suggestions on the issue tracker for the mods that you'd like to be supported. Please make sure that they are not already by testing it and provide an example of chunk griefing one can achieve with the mod.

Explicitly supported mods:

  • (Since b0.8.0) Create - built into the Forge version, but requires an extension when used on Fabric/Quilt. Protected chunks should be protected from all survival mode Create mechanics, but let me know if I missed something (please make sure it's not just a client-sided glitch by relogging). I don't know if support for creative mode mechanics will be added as well, but we'll see.