Mod Opolis Utilities by benbenlaw

  • Opolis Utilities by benbenlaw

    Various useful items and blocks
    • 784.65 KB
    • 1.20.1
    • July 24, 2022
    • September 23, 2023
    • Utility & QoL
    Opolis Utilities
Mod Information
NameOpolis UtilitiesAuthorbenbenlawDescriptionVarious useful items and blocks
Version: 1.20.1
Size: 784.65 KB
Updated at: September 23, 2023
Created at: July 24, 2022
Utility & QoL

Some of the cool items and blocks!

In game guide book to the items and blocks in game!

Block Breaker

Breaks blocks, uses tools with enchantments

Block Placer

Places blocks


JSON based shop block useful for pack devs

Ender Scrambler
A block that can be used to prevent ender man teleporting in a radius around it


Ender Ore

Spawns underground and drops ender fragments which can be used to make ender pearls

Loot Boxes
Provide 3 different loot boxes these can be changed by modpack devs to drop any items they wish, loot tables found here "opolisutilities:loot_tables/loot_boxes"


Death Stone
Given to players when they die, allows them to travel back to there death point

Home Stone

The home stone can be used to easiely teleport around the over world, has a configurable cooldown 

Wooden Shears
Shears but wooden (tagged to work with most mods)
Copper nugget
Because minecraft should have copper nuggets

Floating Block

Works like a angel block, can be placed in the air without any supporting blocks, handly for skyblock worlds
Drying Table
Dries items into others (Uses json recipes)
Resource Generator 2
Basically a cobblestone/ stone generator all in one block. To add block to the resource generator you can add a recipe:

The block can be a block or a tag, tags will not work if you put a # in front. 
//Single Block
"type": "opolisutilities:rg2_blocks",
"block": "minecraft:basalt"
//Tag Block

"type": "opolisutilities:rg2_blocks",
"block": "forge:cobblestone"

 You can also add a additional block to the top of the resources generator block to increase speed. Speeds and blocks that can be generated can all be found in JEI. Pack devs can also add there own speed blocks using this:

The block can be a block or a tag, tags will not work if you put a # in front. 20 ticks is one second so adding this will make blocks be produced every 2.5 seconds
"type": "opolisutilities:rg2_speed_blocks",
"block": "minecraft:dirt",
"tickRate": 50
//Tag Blocks
"type": "opolisutilities:rg2_speed_blocks",
"block": "forge:storage_blocks/redstone",
"tickRate": 50