Mod Orechid Endium by TheRealp455w0rd

  • Orechid Endium by TheRealp455w0rd

    A Botania addon that adds an End-variant of the Orechid functional flower
    • 30.47 KB
    • 1.12.2
    • January 23, 2019
    • January 25, 2019
    • Addons
    Orechid Endium
Mod Information
NameOrechid EndiumAuthorTheRealp455w0rdDescriptionA Botania addon that adds an End-variant of the Orechid functional flower
Version: 1.12.2
Size: 30.47 KB
Updated at: January 25, 2019
Created at: January 23, 2019


A Botania addon which adds an End variant of the Orechid functional flower.



You must install a mod which adds End Stone versions of ores as this mod provides none!

The mod was developed with Netherending Ores, Quark, and Draconic Evolution which each have an end ore.



Custom Ore Dictionary Entries

Some mods have end ores, but do not add them as proper End ore Ore Dictionary entries.

For example, Draconic Evolution adds all of its Draconium Ore variants to the oreDraconium Ore Dictionary entry, leaving no way to discern between the variants, therefore, I have added explicit support for the following ores:

  • oreEndDraconium (Draconic Evolution)
  • oreEndBiotite (Quark)



Includes config option to restrict use to the End dimension only (OrechidEndium.cfg).



Craft Tweaker Support

Sample CraftTweaker ZenScript:

// removes an Ore
mods.botania.OrechidEndium.removeOre(<ore:oreEndCoal>); mods.botania.OrechidEndium.removeOre("oreEndGold");

// clears the Ore List

// Adds an Ore (with weight; higher number = more probability to spawn)
mods.botania.OrechidEndium.setOre("oreEndDraconium", 200); mods.botania.OrechidEndium.setOre(<ore:oreEndIron>, 700); mods.botania.OrechidEndium.addOre(<ore:oreEndBiotite>, 500); mods.botania.OrechidEndium.addOre("oreEndRedstone", 450);

 Also supports the command

/ct botorechidendium

which will print the current Orechid Endium Ore+Weights list to crafttweaker.log