Mod Origins: Classes (Forge) by DragonsPlus

  • Origins: Classes (Forge) by DragonsPlus

    An unofficial Forge port for Origins: Classes
    • 183.22 KB
    • 1.19.2
    • April 12, 2022
    • August 18, 2022
    • Addons
      Adventure and RPG
    Origins: Classes (Forge)
Mod Information
NameOrigins: Classes (Forge)AuthorDragonsPlusDescriptionAn unofficial Forge port for Origins: Classes
Version: 1.19.2
Size: 183.22 KB
Updated at: August 18, 2022
Created at: April 12, 2022
Adventure and RPG

Origins: Classes (Forge)


This is an unofficial Forge port for Origins: Classes, please support the original work!

This mod depends on Origins (Forge), please have the proper version of that mod installed!

For more Origins add-on I made, see: Origins: Accessibilities, and many more shall come!

In addition to choosing an origin, you now also choose a class.

Classes provide smaller benefits than origins, but they come without drawbacks.

These are the available classes:


  • Archer: your projectiles are more accurate; you are slowed less when using a bow
  • Beastmaster: animals you tame gain permanent extra hearts and damage; when you drink a potion the effects also apply to nearby tamed animals
  • Blacksmith: tools and armor crafted by you provide small benefits; you can repair tools and armor more efficiently, both in an anvil and via crafting
  • Cleric: you can strengthen or extend the effects of potions; you are better at enchanting
  • Cook: food you craft provides more nourishment; you gain extra XP from cooking food in a smoker
  • Explorer: you start the game with 9 empty maps, a compass and a clock; you don't exhaust from sprinting
  • Farmer: bone meal is twice as effective when used by you; crops sometimes yield twice the loot when you harvest them
  • Lumberjack: crafting planks from logs gives you two extra planks; you cut down whole trees at once when you use an axe
  • Merchant: when you trade with villagers, their trades aren't used up; wandering traders give you special offers
  • Miner: you break all stone blocks faster; you don't exhaust from mining blocks
  • Nitwityou're not particularly good at anything. :)
  • Rancher: when you breed animals, they sometimes have a chance to produce twins; animals killed by you have a chance of dropping twice as much loot
  • Rogue: your name is never visible through walls; you enter stealth (making less sounds and dealing double damage from behind) after sneaking for 10 seconds
  • Warrior: you deal +1 attack damage with every weapon; you are slowed less when using a shield


1. This is NOT an official port.
2. DON'T ask for backport, this mod depends on EdwinMindcraft's Origins (Forge), and most features need some specific versions of that mod to work properly.
3. Most of the code were rewritten to fit forge environment and extend customizabilities, so keep in mind that some features may be slightly different from the fabric version.

4. This mod is licensed under MIT License, you may basically do whatever you like to the mod, so don't ask me for any additional permission on using the mod as it's unnecessary.



Datapacks using power types from Origins: Classes' fabric version are not supported, as the forge version rewrote most of the code.

However, the forge version provides more customizable options, so it's welcomed to make addons based on the forge version of Origins: Classes :)


Issues and Contributing

For issues: please visit Issues · DragonsPlusMinecraft/origins-classes-forge

For contributing to the project: please visit Pull requests · DragonsPlusMinecraft/origins-classes-forge

For more in-time support: please join Dragons Plus Mods discord server:


//" rel="noopener nofollow" target="_blank">[SERVER ID]/widget.png?style=banner2" alt="" />



Great thanks to Apace100's original work and EdwinMindcraft's Forge port for Origins!

Origins is the best mod I ever played, it inspired me to become a modder :)


(Tools on the mod icon by Lorc,, licensed under CC BY 3.0)