Mod Oxygen: Groups by austeretony
- 119.79 KB
- 1.12.2
- May 3, 2019
- June 12, 2020
- Map and InformationServer Utility
Name | Oxygen: Groups | Author | austeretony | Description | The ability to join groups for joint activities. |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.12.2 Size: 119.79 KB Updated at: June 12, 2020 Created at: May 3, 2019 | Tags | Map and Information Server Utility |
The module adds the ability to join groups for joint activities. Members of the group will see marks above other participants, as well as health status and other data of all participants in the overlay. A separate chat channel is available for the group: "/group <message>".
Required on server and client
- Groups of up to 24 people
- Personal group chat channel
- Marks above the participants
- Tracking the participants data in the overlay
Latest Update: 0.11.2b
Requires Oxygen Core
Attention! The project is in early access
Absolutely safe for worlds and players data
Smooth Font mod recommended to improve font quality
ScalingGUIs mod recommended to increase the GUIs size to "large" (if locked)
Have a questions? Discord
You can freely use the project in modpacks.
The source code is publicly available for reference only, modification of the project and public distribution is prohibited.
Send all error reports to the Oxygen Core repository: issues