Mod PBOSB - Projectiles Bounce Off Slime Blocks by CAS_ual_TY

  • PBOSB - Projectiles Bounce Off Slime Blocks by CAS_ual_TY

    Makes all projectiles (eg. Arrows, Tridents, ...) bounce off slime blocks.
    • 12.77 KB
    • 1.20.1
    • July 11, 2022
    • June 19, 2023
    • Armor, Tools, and Weapons
      Utility & QoL
    PBOSB - Projectiles Bounce Off Slime Blocks
Mod Information
NamePBOSB - Projectiles Bounce Off Slime BlocksAuthorCAS_ual_TYDescriptionMakes all projectiles (eg. Arrows, Tridents, ...) bounce off slime blocks.
Version: 1.20.1
Size: 12.77 KB
Updated at: June 19, 2023
Created at: July 11, 2022
Armor, Tools, and Weapons
Utility & QoL


Link to better quality GIF

It's not working flawlessly if a projectile would bounce more than once in the same tick. This is by design, otherwise I would basically add endless loops (in code) crashing the game. I might push out another version in the future making the bouncing mechanics flawless, with a certain cutoff to be safe (eg. max 5 bounces per tick).

Also this mod consists of exactly 69 code lines.