Mod PackagedExCrafting by TheLMiffy1111

  • PackagedExCrafting by TheLMiffy1111

    Extended Crafting Autocrafting with PackagedAuto
    • 2506118
    • 245.70 KB
    • 1.20.1
    • May 28, 2019
    • September 24, 2023
    • Addons
      Applied Energistics 2
Mod Information
NamePackagedExCraftingAuthorTheLMiffy1111DescriptionExtended Crafting Autocrafting with PackagedAuto
InformationDownloads: 2506118
Version: 1.20.1
Size: 245.70 KB
Updated at: September 24, 2023
Created at: May 28, 2019
Applied Energistics 2

PackagedExCrafting is an addon to PackagedAuto and Extended Crafting, and it adds the ability to automatically craft items made using Extended Crafting's crafting table much easily. That said, this mod is designed to be able to run without Applied Energistics 2, but installation with it is recommended.

This mod adds many crafters. To use them, put one next to an Unpackager, and have the Unpackager handle respective crafting recipes, which can be encoded into recipe holders with the Encoder. The Ender and Flux crafters requires their respective Alternators, and the Combination crafter requires a sufficient amount of Marked Pedestals. The crafters, when connected to a ME Network, will automatically eject outputs into the network.

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