Mod Pam's Pig Skin by pamharvestcraft
- 29.69 KB
- 1.12.2
- January 13, 2018
- January 13, 2018
- Armor, Tools, and WeaponsCosmeticMiscellaneous
Name | Pam's Pig Skin | Author | pamharvestcraft | Description | Adds a new item that can drop from pigs and zombie pigmen that can then be used to make leather and a throwable football. |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.12.2 Size: 29.69 KB Updated at: January 13, 2018 Created at: January 13, 2018 | Tags | Armor, Tools, and Weapons Cosmetic Miscellaneous |
Contact Info
E-mail: worldofro (AT) gmail (DOT) com - Please use [ATTN:MODNAME] for the subject
Comments have been disabled because people cannot seem to stop pestering me over and over and over for updates. So if you have any bugs, please report them in my Discord (which you will get booted for asking for updates). Thanks!
This mod adds a drop called pig skin to pigs and zombie pigmen. Can be used to craft leather and a throwable football. You can disable and change recipe JSONs in the recipe folder of the mod JAR.
The football will drop as an item in the area it's thrown at.
Config Options
pigsdropPigskin = Enable to have pigs drop pigskin
pigdropamountMax = Cannot be set to 0. Set pigsdropPigskin to false to disable
zombiepigmendropPigskin = Enable to have zombie pigmen drop pigskin
zombiepigmendropamountMax = Cannot be set to 0. Set zombiepigmendropPigskin to false to disable
2 pigskin = 1 leather
1 pigskin, 1 string = football
I give permission to use the above described mod in modpacks that do not cost money (donations, Patreon, etc is fine) so long as you credit Pamela Collins (MatrexsVigil) and Rhodox of the Painterly Pack somewhere in your modpack's description and/or list of mods. I give permission to modify the above described mod through add-ons, JSON files, or config changes so long as you inform your players of the changes and notify them that these are your changes and not mine.
I do NOT give permission to anyone under any circumstance to distribute, de-compile for non-educational purposes, sell for any currency of any kind, only allow access via payment (donations, Patreon are fine), re-name, be on a server that costs money to play on (donations, Patreon are fine), re-upload/re-distribute 'dead' versions, use textures from, or grossly modify the above described mod for any reason ever unless you get written and dated permission from me.
I would appreciate that any modpack creators and/or server administrators that greatly benefit from having my mod in their pack/on their server donate to my Patreon, but I am not requiring this.
Thank you for abiding by this license. Feel free to contact me via the above contact information if you need to ask questions or raise concerns.