Mod Per Aspera by Erdragh
- 133.35 KB
- 1.18.2
- March 2, 2023
- June 3, 2023
- AddonsPlayer TransportTechnology
Mod Information
Name | Per Aspera | Author | Erdragh | Description | Addon for the Ad Astra mod (for 1.18) made specifically for the Create: Astral modpack |
Information | Downloads: Version: 1.18.2 Size: 133.35 KB Updated at: June 3, 2023 Created at: March 2, 2023 | Tags | Addons Player Transport Technology |
Part of the Create: Astral modpack.
This is an addon for the Ad Astra mod that introduces some bugfixes and additions the developers of Create: Astral felt were missing. This (so far) includes:
- Being able to turn the Jet Suit on and off
- A hover mode for the Jet Suit akin to Iron Jetpacks
- Customizable Particles for the Jet Suit. You can currently select between bubbles, end rod and soul fire.
- Fixed lava being converted to ice when placed in space
As this is intended to be a part of the Create: Astral modpack, it will follow the Minecraft Version in use by the modpack, which currently means Fabric 1.18.2.
Also available on Modrinth