Mod Philip's Ruins by philipmoddev

  • Philip's Ruins by philipmoddev

    This mod adds over 200 new structures to Minecraft.
    • 1225129
    • 1.23 MB
    • 1.20.2
    • January 18, 2022
    • September 22, 2023
    • Addons
      Adventure and RPG
      World Gen
    Philip's Ruins
Mod Information
NamePhilip's RuinsAuthorphilipmoddevDescriptionThis mod adds over 200 new structures to Minecraft.
InformationDownloads: 1225129
Version: 1.20.2
Size: 1.23 MB
Updated at: September 22, 2023
Created at: January 18, 2022
Adventure and RPG
World Gen

Have you ever wanted more ruins to Minecraft? Or something more exciting to explore? Well then Philip's ruins has
you converted. The mod is based on adding ancient lore to your world and adding more exciting structures to the game.
Our main focus is to improve the players experience on ancient history of Minecraft and explaining on exploration. With in
the mod also comes colossal undergrounds, as well as nether ruins, and even explaining on the sculk/ Warden's history.
Not only the mod adds awesome ruins, but it even includes some custom blocks that you may come across. Most of 
these well-made textured blocks can be found at some big underground dungeons, or even the nether. Here is a list of 
some popular blocks that we added some far.
-Bone Brick blocks as well as stairs and slabs.
-Sculk bone bricks blocks as well as stairs and slabs.
-fractured bone blocks
The mod even includes some very nice items that you may find spawning in some of the chest. Some of these items
can be craft into the blocks that we just listed up on top. Below is what we have of the items. Keep in mind that is not
all of the blocks and items that we have in the mod. There is much more in the creative tab.
-Cracked bone
-Bone chuck
-Sculk bone

What is even more exciting about the new structures is that they are all on a spawning tier based. For example, say that
you found one of are ruins and it looks small, and it has no chest included, well you just found a level one ruin. But lets
say that you found another ruin with a chest included. You open the chest, and it is name is level two ruin's loot. Well 
that is indicating that you found a level two ruin.

 Here is another feature that is mod comes with (Randomized Loot Table System). Each ruin you come across that has
a chest and it will be randomized. The loot is based off on the ruin's tier level. Like for example a lower-level ruin will be low
level loot, but the more you find a higher-level ruin as well as it being harder to find, it well includes a better reward.

If you want a data pack version of this mod click here.
Philip's Ruins - Addons - Minecraft - CurseForge
Here are some versions that the mod supports. First is the (forge)
versions:(1.16.5, 1.17.1, 1.18.2, 1.19,1.19.2,1.19.3) 
Here is fabric support:(1.19, 1.19.2,1.19.3). Soon we are going to be adding
the older version to fabric and forge.

So far, we have added 200 new structures in the game already,
and there is more to come. This mod is still in development, and it
is a work in progress. We hope you enjoy the mod and have fun.
Please give feedback and consider donating on our (Patreon). It
means a lot to keep the development going. Also join are discord


Special thanks for the people who helped made this mod.



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YouTube Videos

YouTube Videos


 Sculk Dungeon


Bone Dungeons

Ancient Ruins.
Some of them are rubble piles.