Mod PigUtils by DarkhaxDev
- 6257810
- 535.62 KB
- 1.12.2
- June 18, 2018
- October 5, 2018
- API and Library
Name | PigUtils | Author | DarkhaxDev | Description | A fork of iChunUtils without the EULA. |
Information | Downloads: 6257810 Version: 1.12.2 Size: 535.62 KB Updated at: October 5, 2018 Created at: June 18, 2018 | Tags | API and Library |
NOTICE: This mod is no longer maintained. The reasons for this fork have been fixed in the original mod meaning this fork has no reason to exist. Please use the original version of the mod from now on thanks. This fork will not be deleted to prevent breaking changes with outdated versions of modpacks.
This mod is a fork of iChunUtil by iChun. The original iChunUtil mod is licensed under LGPL Version 3, and the source for the original can be found here. The source for this fork can be found in the source header on this project. Please report issues with this fork in the comments below, and not pester the original author with them! Permission for this fork of iChunUtil has been granted by the LGPL V3 license. All of the changes I have made can be seen on the GitHub commit history for the fork.
Why the fork?
This fork was made because the original iChunUtil mod contains an EULA which many people are not comfortable using. Several modpack makers have also avoided using this mods and those that depend on it out of fear of violating the GDPR, or revealing their sensitive info. I am not a lawyer, and I can not say whether those fears are legitimate or not, however this fork has been created by request to allow others to enjoy iChun's work without this worry. If you have no issues or concerns with the original mod, you should use it instead.
What is happening to the money from this mod?
100% of the revenue generated by this fork on CurseForge will be given to the original author.
Is this compatible with mods that need iChunUtil?
Yes, the point of this mod is to maintain compatibility with the original mods. With that said, iChun is not expected to handle issue reports with this mod installs, or to support/endorse this project in any way.