Mod PlayerEx by clevernucleus
- 3685813
- 607.08 KB
- 1.19.2
- September 21, 2020
- June 24, 2023
- Adventure and RPGArmor, Tools, and WeaponsMagicMap and Information
Name | PlayerEx | Author | clevernucleus | Description | Adds attributes, levels and skill points. RPG themed. |
Information | Downloads: 3685813 Version: 1.19.2 Size: 607.08 KB Updated at: June 24, 2023 Created at: September 21, 2020 | Tags | Adventure and RPG Armor, Tools, and Weapons Magic Map and Information |
Please note that only the latest version will be given support. Furthermore, I'm not developing for Forge any longer; this mod now uses Fabric.
PlayerEx registers fully functional RPG themed attributes to the game, and adds them to the player by default ( these attributes can be added to other living entities). Also added are levels, skill points and configurable levelling. The latest iteration is powered by Data Attributes, which is where the bulk of the configurability comes from - please familiarise yourself with it before coming here to ask how to configure things.
For more detailed documentation on provided content and mechanics, among other things, please read the wiki.
Looking for the old HUD? It is now available as a standalone mod here.
An addon mod is also available: RelicEx; this mod offers some expansion items for PlayerEx attributes. Some videos kindly featuring PlayerEx:
- By Mischief of Mice (Forge)
- By bstylia14 (Forge)
- By AsianHalfSquat (Fabric)
Notes and Guidance
- The last version released for Forge was v1.1.8.
- Please always use the latest version.
- Please delete config files before updating to another version, as the config files tend to change between major versions as more configurability is implemented.
- Modpacks are fine.
- This mod comes bundled with (jar-in-jar) Cardinal Components (Base, Entity and Chunk modules), TextPlaceholderAPI, OfflinePlayerCache and exp4j (credit given).