Mod Pollen by moonflowerteam

  • Pollen by moonflowerteam

    ⭐ An extensive modding library built for everyone.
    • 1594576
    • 1.55 MB
    • 1.19.2
    • November 5, 2021
    • August 6, 2023
    • API and Library
Mod Information
NamePollenAuthormoonflowerteamDescription⭐ An extensive modding library built for everyone.
InformationDownloads: 1594576
Version: 1.19.2
Size: 1.55 MB
Updated at: August 6, 2023
Created at: November 5, 2021
API and Library

Website Discord Twitter Patreon

Running Fabric?
If you're on Fabric, you'll need to install the Fabric API.

⭐ An extensive modding library built for everyone.
Pollen is a feature filled library built for ease of use and maximum compatibility between Forge and Fabric using Architectury with a wide range of utilities to make developing mods a whole lot easier.


  • Cross-platform APIs when using Architectury to access Fabric and Forge APIs. Architectury is not required to use this library, but we suggest it!
  • A geometry and animation API built using the Bedrock edition format.
  • Performant static block rendering without the need for Block Entity Renderers
  • Modification API to modify vanilla registries through data packs (advancements, item overrides, etc.)
  • Various utilities to compact rendering simple objects into one line.
  • A config system for Fabric with the same format as Forge configs.
  • Data syncing API to save data to entities with ease.
  • A simplified and straightforward networking API.
  • ... and more!

🧑‍💻 How to use Pollen as a Developer:
Installing Pollen into your development environment is quite simple! Below are directions on how to install pollen into each platform, along with how to install it if your project is using Architectury.


🔨 Developing using Pollen:

To develop a mod using Pollen on any platform, you first need to locate your build.gradle file and add the following code based on which loader you're using into it. Make sure its outside the buildscript block. Replace <version> with the version of Pollen you're targeting. For example, Pollen 1.0.0 on Minecraft 1.16.5 would be 1.0.0+1.16.5.





On Forge:

Next, you need to find your mods.toml file. This is where all of your mod's information is, including what you depend on! In this file, add the following code to the bottom of the file. This will make your mod require Pollen to run and will let any user who forgot to install it know that it's missing. Replace <version> with the version you chose above but without the +<minecraft> (e.g. +1.16.5) and replace <modid> with your mod id.


On Fabric:

If you're developing on Fabric, you'll need to add Pollen to your dependencies. To do so, you need to add the following line to the depends object in your fabric.mod.json and replace <version> with the version you chose above but without the +<minecraft> (e.g. +1.16.5). Below is an example of what you should be adding (do not add the depends line, only pollen one inside)


🔨 Developing using Pollen on Architectury:
Using Pollen on Architectury is very similar to what we did above, but with a few addition. In Architectury, there's three modules: common, fabric, and forge. In the fabric and forge folders, you'll follow the steps above as directed in their respected folders. In order to use Pollen in the common folder, you'll need to add the following into the build.gradle in the common folder. And you're done!