Mod Polymorph (Forge) by TheIllusiveC4
- 36645973
- 246.69 KB
- 1.19.2
- June 9, 2020
- November 26, 2022
- Miscellaneous
Name | Polymorph (Forge) | Author | TheIllusiveC4 | Description | No more recipe conflicts! Adds an option to choose the crafting result if more than one is available. |
Information | Downloads: 36645973 Version: 1.19.2 Size: 246.69 KB Updated at: November 26, 2022 Created at: June 9, 2020 | Tags | Miscellaneous Mods |
This project is for the Forge mod loader. To see its counterpart for the Fabric mod loader, please go here.
Polymorph is a mod that solves recipe conflicts by letting players choose between all potential outputs shared by the same ingredients.
With a sufficiently large amount of mods, recipe conflicts are a common occurrence and the responsibility for resolving these usually falls on the user or modpack developer, using datapacks or other tools to ensure that each recipe is unique.
Polymorph offers an alternative solution, allowing all possible crafting and smelting recipes to co-exist regardless of conflicts.
When a group of ingredients matches more than one recipe, a button will appear above the output slot. Pushing this button will show a list of all possible results and selecting one will change the crafting output to match. Polymorph will also remember the last selection as long as the ingredients don't change, so repeated crafting actions are possible on the same selection.
When a valid input matches more than one output, a button will appear above the output slot. Pushing this button will show a list of all possible results with the currently selected result highlighted in green. Selecting one of the listed results will change the smelting output to match. This selection will be saved to the block itself and persist across world loading and unloading.
Exactly like the crafting screen, a button will appear above the output slot when a valid input matches more than one output. Upon selection, the output will change to match.
To assist identifying potential conflicts, there's a command /polymorph conflicts
that will try to identify recipes
that conflict with each other and outputs a list of them to your logs folder. Currently, the command will scan crafting,
smelting, blasting, smoking, and smithing recipes.
Mod Integration
Just Enough Items
Upon selecting a recipe to transfer from the Just Enough Item screen, the output will automatically change to match the selection if there is more than one possible output.
Modded Support
Many crafting tables that are simply variants of the vanilla crafting table will automatically be compatible. Other types of support may or may not be compatible; below is a list of all mods that Polymorph has specific integration with and has already been tested for functionality.
Applied Energistics 2
- ME Crafting Terminal
- ME Pattern Terminal
- Portable Crafting
- Inventory Crafting
Crafting Station
- Crafting Station
- Crafter
- Workbench
- Furnace
- Blasting Furnace
- Smoker
- Crafting Table
Iron Furnaces
- All furnace variants
Pretty Pipes
- Crafting Terminal
Refined Storage
- Crafting Grid
- Pattern Grid
Refined Storage Addons
- Wireless Crafting Grid
Simple Storage Network
- Storage Request Table
Sophisticated Backpacks
- Crafting Upgrade
- Smelting Upgrade
Tinkers' Construct
- Crafting Station
Tom's Storage
- Crafting Terminal
Please request support by opening an issue on the issue tracker.
Please report all bugs, issues, and feature requests to the issue tracker.
For non-technical support and questions, join the developer's Discord.
All source code and assets are licensed under LGPL 3.0 or later.
Donations to the developer can be sent through Ko-fi.