Mod PonderJS by kotakotik22

  • PonderJS by kotakotik22

    Allows creating ponder scenes and tags with Kubejs
    • 2843425
    • 55.69 KB
    • 1.18.1
    • August 29, 2021
    • December 11, 2021
    • Addons
Mod Information
NamePonderJSAuthorkotakotik22DescriptionAllows creating ponder scenes and tags with Kubejs
InformationDownloads: 2843425
Version: 1.18.1
Size: 55.69 KB
Updated at: December 11, 2021
Created at: August 29, 2021

This project is abandoned, an updated version can be found here

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Allows adding Create ponder scenes and tags with KubeJS

Requires Create and KubeJS

  • Automatically generates lang into KubeJS's assets
  • You can configure the lang file it generates into
  • Tested by converting Create ponder scenes into PonderJS ponder scenes
  • Does not automatically create schematics for you, put the .nbt files in kubejs/assets/kubejs/ponder/

Ponder is made by the Create team, this mod only translates their Java builders to KubeJS builders

A showcase of the cool stuff you can make with it