Mod Portable Crafting by gr8pefish

  • Portable Crafting by gr8pefish

    Adds a handy little portable crafting table with nifty features!
    • 55.90 KB
    • 1.12.2
    • January 11, 2016
    • January 23, 2018
    • Armor, Tools, and Weapons
    Portable Crafting
Mod Information
NamePortable CraftingAuthorgr8pefishDescriptionAdds a handy little portable crafting table with nifty features!
Version: 1.12.2
Size: 55.90 KB
Updated at: January 23, 2018
Created at: January 11, 2016
Armor, Tools, and Weapons

Portable Crafter

This mod is the spiritual successor to iBench, adding a portable crafting table with some nifty features.

    • The crafting table keeps the items stored in it.

    • It supports shift clicking into and out of it.

    • There are 3 buttons beside the crafting grid (that are also linked to hotkeys) that can do the following:

      • Rotates the items in the crafting grid, this spins the exterior 8 items in the crafting grid.

      • Balances the items in the crafting grid, this makes each item in the crafting grid have even stack sizes.

      • Clears the items in the crafting grid, this brings them back down to your inventory.
    • You can also open the crafting grid directly with a hotkey (default 'x')
    • The mod also has Just Enough Items integration, allowing you to add items directly to this crafting grid from the JEI [+] button.



Bug Reports

Report them here please!

Source Code

Can be found on Github. The changelog is also there.


  • Yes, you can include this in any modpack. As a courtesy, I do ask that you please simply give me a heads up if it is a larger/public pack though.
  • No, you cannot repost this mod elsewhere. Details in spoiler.

    Posting my mod on different websites is allowed as long as you link to this post and don't re-upload the mod to a different file sharing service. The download link must be my official curseforge link (Downloads page or Direct Download Link). Using or other URL shorteners that you money off are strictly forbidden. You can't make money of other peoples work. #StopModReposts Look at this thread for more details.

Contact Me

Join my Discord channel and chat. Anyone is welcome to join!




You are not obligated to donate by any means, this mod is 100% free, but any contribution really helps me have more time to work on the mod, so I can create better content for you! Any amount is greatly appreciated. Or check out my Patreon.


The MCF post for this mod can be found here.

Check out my other mod: Iron Backpacks