Mod Potion Rings by Shivaxi
- 8828579
- 11.05 KB
- 1.12.2
- September 29, 2019
- November 9, 2019
- Magic
Name | Potion Rings | Author | Shivaxi | Description | Adds simple bauble rings with potion effects. REDUX version for RLCraft. |
Information | Downloads: 8828579 Version: 1.12.2 Size: 11.05 KB Updated at: November 9, 2019 Created at: September 29, 2019 | Tags | Magic |
The original mod is made by Vazkii_ and all credit goes to him. This is a modified version by Pyrofab on request of Shivaxi for his modpack RLCraft, under the WTFPL license that the original mod has.
This version fixes the following issues from the original mod:
-Fixed potion effects not properly being removed
-Fixed incompatibility with additional ring slots from Bring Me The Rings
Potion Fingers is a really simple mod, which adds rings that, when equipped on the baubles slot, provide a permanent potion effect. Wearing two of the same ring upgrades that effect to level Potion 2.
By default, the mod comes with one ring for every potion effect the Beacon can give you. Check JEI for the recipes on how to create them.
Note: This mod requires Baubles and AutoRegLib.
For pack authors using CraftTweaker:
Basic Ring (no effects): <potionfingers:ring:0>
Ring with effect: <potionfingers:ring:1>.withTag({effect: "EFFECT ID HERE"})
Ring with Night Vision: <potionfingers:ring:1>.withTag({effect: "minecraft:night_vision"})